Monday, July 30, 2007

Will you need a blue sky holiday?

Hujan lebat dan mendung kelabu.
Freezing cold office tahap biru kuku.
Not enough rest from kenduri di Ipoh.
Lapar from fasting on 15 Rejab.
Kerja yang sukar dan urgent.
Clients yang demanding tapi liat bayar fees.
Approaching the time of the month.

Wahai Isninku yang muram, pergilah.

Friday, July 27, 2007

You get what you see, when you see what I've got

I watched 10 minutes of E.R. yesterday and realized that McDreamy existed way before Derek Shepherd came into picture. It was Dr. Doug Ross! George Clooney was the McDreamy of E.R! Dreamy indeed, huh?

In the spirit of Jumaat, penghulu segala hari, I’d like to share a little something Ayunik shared with me sometime ago. A little sharing goes a long way, eh babe? On why we don the hijab. Everyone has their own sebab, own tujuan, own nawaitu. But I believe that the utmost important reason is/should be: Because Allah SWT told us so.

I think the writer succeeded in portraying her view in a laidback, easy-to-digest way. Have a read. And oh, click on the picture for larger view, so that you can actually read, unless you have super vision. Ngeee.

My dear Ayin flew to Bintulu this morning and I didn't get to send her off sebab dia gerak dari Senai :-( Gonna miss you, bebeh! Ketemu di YM ya!

Kalian semua, have a blessed Friday and a good weekend, ya! :-)

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

My life is brilliant. My love is pure.
I saw an angel. Of that I'm sure.

Annoying songs have the power to stay in your head forever. The more annoying the song is, the better chance it has to get stuck in your head. In Nijoh’s case, it is the Oh burung song (click here to listen). Ngeee. conducted a poll and came up with the following list of the 20 Most Annoying Songs:

1. Black Eyed Peas, “My Humps”
2. Los Del Rio, “Macarena”
3. Baha Men, “Who Let The Dogs Out”
4. Celine Dion, “My Heart Will Go On”
5. Nickelback, “Photograph”
6. Lou Bega, “Mambo No. 5″
7. James Blunt, “You’re Beautiful”
8. Spice Girls, “Wannabe”
9. Sisqo, “The Thong Song”
10. Cher, “Believe”
11. Aqua, “Barbie Girl”
12. Chumbawumba, “Tub Thumper”
13. Rednex, “Cotton-Eyed Joe”
14. Eiffel 65, “Blue”
15. Crash Test Dummies, “Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm”
16. Meatloaf, “I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)”
17. ‘NSYNC, “Bye, Bye, Bye”
18. Ricky Martin, “Livin’ La Vida Loca”
19. Semisonic, “Closing Time”
20. Wham!, “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”

By the way, my Annoying Song has the honour of sitting at number 7 place on the list. As if the song is not irritating enough, ditambah pula dengan the suicidal music video. Yuck yuck yuck. I am an optimist and believer of true love and yada yada yada, but that is just too much lah, brader. It is the Most Annoying Song of the century anyway, according to
Fly FM.

So what’s your Annoying Song?

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

"In a scale of 1 to 10, how bad is today?"

[WARNING: Strictly for Grey’s Anatomy fans]
I’ve watched the entire third season of Grey’s Anatomy on DVD on Sunday and err, yesterday – I was on sick leave and obviously, watching the doctors from Seattle Grace is part of my treatment program. Ngeee. Man, the script is so brilliant rasa nak cubit-cubit penulis skrip itu. The drama, the wisdom, the hotness, everything about Grey’s is brilliantly awesome lah.

Watching Grey’s on DVD is so much fun – I get to pause when I need to go to the toilet or get some snack, boleh rewind if I need to listen again to the (brilliant) dialog. And it is addictive! Like reading a good book. You don’t want to stop. On Sunday I stopped sebab parents gua paksa gua ikut mereka for baju raya shopping and yesterday, I only stopped bila dah habis. Ngeee.

Noticed my word of the day? BRILLIANT. Anyways. [WARNING: Spoilers ahead] Banyak brilliant dialogs to share, like Izzie’s belief in the good and her rant about how ungrateful people-in-love can be, Ellis Grey’s desire for a perfectly ordinary life, and what not. But, I am going to share the what - could - have - been - Burke’s wedding vows - if only - Yang - was not - so unsure OR had Isaiah Washington not make the homophobic statement against T.R.Knight which caused him having to leave the brilliant show:

"Cristina, I could promise to hold you, and to cherish you. I could promise to be there, in sickness and in health. I could say till death do us part. But I won't. Those vows are for optimistic couples, the ones full of hope. I do not stand here on my wedding day optimistic or full of hope. I am not optimistic. I am not hopeful. I am sure. I am steady. I'm a heart man. Take 'em apart, put 'em back together, hold them in my hands. I am a heart man.

So this, I am sure. You are my partner. My lover. My very best friend. My heart. My heart beats for you. And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this. I promise you to lay my heart in the palm of your hands, I promise you... me."

Wow. Anyways, pray for my health people; I am still not feeling well. Srot.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

What goes around, comes around
What goes up, must come down

Suatu hari, seorang peguam berlaku kerek dan gedebe terhadap gua. Hari ini, I could have done the same to him, which would result in him having to answer to his client/boss. It could have been a classic case of ‘what goes around comes around’. I could but I did not. Kerana masa di uni gua belajar Ethics of Legal Profession dan kerana ibubapa gua telah instill etika dalam diri gua. Juga kerana jika gua menang, gua mahu menang kerana gua/firma gua bagus. One of the best advises I read somewhere is “Be nice to the people you meet on your way up, because you might meet them again on your way down”. Keep that in mind.

On another note:

Well now we’re talking! I watched 90% of the game semalam and I must say, walaupun masih kalah, Malaysian team gave us a quite commendable performance. Kira okaylah, nampaklah effort mereka. Pujian perlu diberikan kepada some of them yang kelihatan berusaha iaitu seperti Indraputra, Shukor dan Safee yang lincah, budak comel Aidil, and of course the very, very motivated goalie Azizon. Evidently, the counseling works.

But the highlights of the game are:
(1) When Ibu berkata kepada Bapak: “Alaah kalau kita kat situ pun tak semestinya dapat amek bola tu”, and Bapak responded with “Itu sebabla tak jadi pemain bola, jadi pegawai polis. Yang nak jadi pemain bola, mainla bola betul2”. Nice one, Bapak.

(2) When the commentator di minit ke-25, berkata: “Ya, Malaysia perlu mengekalkan corak permainan bertahan ini sehingga ke akhir perlawanan” Corak bertahan semata-mata? For another 70 minutes? Hahaha good one, Mr. Commentator! Really memanjakan.

And oh, ngee... Iran players itu, sangatlah eye candies! Teehee.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

“To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth... Surely He knows all things full well” (Ash-Shura: 12)

Weddings. It is everywhere. Everyone has gotten married or is getting married lately. At least everyone around me is.

Last 2 weekends was spent attending my best friend’s wedding. This Saturday, there will be 2 schoolmates’ weddings to attend to. In one month time, my Kindred Spirit is getting married. I met Jaja yesterday; she was on leave to tempah her baju kahwin. Sharel and Izza. My cousin Eddy and his fiancĂ©. Another cousin of mine, Haziq and his fiancĂ©. Everyone lah!

Eva Longoria has gotten married, on and off the screen. Even Wilhekmina is getting married, albeit the hideous engagement ring. Burke and Yang. George and Callie. Oh, and Mike the Hotness and Susan juga was finally pronounced as Husband and Wife in a scene yang membersitkan air mataku.

Everyone is getting married! In la la land. In real world. Everywhere! Gigil kejap. Teehee no lah. The time will come. I believe and qada' and qadar.

Speaking of qada' and qadar, marilah kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat mereka yang terkorban dalam
nahas Nuri. Semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmatNya dan ditempatkan di kalangan yang dikasihiNya.

Rejab is here. Marilah kita memeriahkannya!

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

"If you want me to respect you,
you have to do something worth respecting"
-Izzie Stevens, Grey's Anatomy

Apek Cobbler bawah Sogo itu dah 3 kali buat pasal dengan aku, the events are inter alia the followings:

(1) Back in 2006 during my chambering year - Refusal to mend my Court shoes, his reason being that the shoes was beyond mending which is ridiculous as one cobbler in Jalan Raja managed to mend it afterwards.
(2) Last week – Refusal to let me sit while waiting for him to change my heels, notwithstanding the 4 empty stools.
(3) Today – Refusal to mend my Court shoe heel, his reason being (again) the heel is beyond mending which is (again) ridiculous as I managed to patch it up with an RM2 gam gajah afterwards.

Encik cobbler, sila jangan berniaga jika tidak mahu berniaga. Dahla mahal cekik darah. Where have all the street side cobblers in Jalan TAR gone to?!

On another note, here are some comel quotes I want to share with you.

From That 70’s Show:
Kelso to Eric: Angie is so pretty, looking at her is like looking at, errr.. something else pretty.
Eric: Well said.

From Grey’s Anatomy:
Yang to Meredith: You know if you want to thank me, errm.. you can ask Derek if Burke has had any tremors?
Meredith: Talk to him.
Yang: No, because then he wins.
Meredith: Wins what?!

From CLEO magazine:
CLEO: What brings a smile to your face?
Fendi X-Factor: Another smile.

From Everybody Loves Raymond:
Raymond to Debra: Marriage is a mutual using of each other.

Hahaha. Cute, eh? Have a good day, people! Zzzzzzzzz.

Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm gonna miss you like a child misses their blanket
But I've got to get a move on with my life
It's time to be a big girl now and big girls don't cry

Highlights of last week:

(1) Die Hard 4.0! There was too much of balakness in one movie, I can’t decide which one of them I am more in love with. The Timex watch in a digital age, McClane? The kacak villain, Thomas Gabriel? The genius hacker, Matt? Or even those hunky assassins with thick Russian accent? Heh.

Live free or die hard! Yippie Ka Yey!

(2) Road trip to JB with Sweetheart. Fun fun fun!

(3) Crashing Dod’s house. Thanks, babe!

(4) The rest of my stay in JB – visiting Sweetheart’s parents and relatives, bersiar-siar dan membeli-belah serta melawat my beloved alma mater yang sungguh buruk in yellow and blue paint. So Simpsons!

As the 926 Srikandis put it:
"We travel far and wide, but we begin in STF".

We went to Ayin’s lovely 2nd reception. It goes without saying but I still nak cakap, she looked absolutely beautiful!

(6) I got myself Grey's Anatomy complete third season uncut dvds at only RM36! Yippie ka yey! Holiday Plaza, I like! How could I not like HP? Selama 5 tahun, itulah salah satu tempat outing kami, where I got my monthly supply of Smash Hits, Bliss and Sugar. Teehee.

Low points of the above:

(1) Wang melayang terbang melayang. Kaching! (2) Sending Sweetheart off to Kuching at the KLIA. Sob. (3) Back to work. Huwaa!

Friday, July 13, 2007

My hands are small I know
But they're not yours, they are my own
I am never broken

Image is from here.

I am positive that my sitting posture is a nightmare to chiropractor. I membongkok when I eat and only straighten up when and/or if: (a) I teringat; (b) Ditegur Sweetheart ; atau (c) Apabila makan bersama Aniz - Man, her posture is so perfect it is infectious!

Apatah lagi di office, ketegakan tubuhku mengadap PC hanya boleh bertahan tidak lebih 5 minit and I will go back to being comfortably bongkok in no time. Don’t let me start on the rest of my posture flaws – incorrect monitor level, incorrect keyboard position, wrist-torturing mouse maneuvering, bersilang kaki, bersila, bersimpuh, etc etc – kiranya basically, everything chiropractor/orthopedic kata DO NOT, I do. Huhu.

So how to pelihara my tulang-temulang? Minum susu HL can aah?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

"In Malaysia, everyone seems to be supporting football teams
other then theirs"
- AKON, Hitz. FM Ad

I finally boleh bernafas seketika sejak bekerja dengan tekun dari pagi. What to write about? Well, well, since everyone seems to be talking/writing about Malaysia’s humiliating 1-5 defeat to China, why shouldn’t I? After all, I did watch the game (walaupun selang-seli with the ever dreadful Natasha 2 and the adorable Ugly Betty).

Sukan paling dekat di hatiku has always been hockey but there is always a soft spot in my heart for Malaysian football scene. Korang tau kan, I love witnessing success, terutama if it happens to underdogs, walaupun that is yet to happen to Malaysian team.

So I watched the game with patriotic belief in Norizan’s team. I thought Akmal Rizal wasn’t going to play sebab dia injured itu hari. So when I saw him berlari-lari (albeit dengan berat), hatiku berbunga-bunga harapan.

I am in no position to comment on the technical aspect of the game. Tapi even the worst kaki bangku would know that memang hampas permainan mereka itu. 60% possession oleh China?! More like 97%! Tahap boleh menitis air mata darah gua. Itulah korang ni, prektis lah lagi tepi pantai sambil main banana boat. Apa kejadahnya?!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Barakallah laka, wa barakallahu alaika
wa jamaa bainakuma fi kulli khair
(Semoga Allah memberi barakah bagi kamu dan memberkati keluarga kamu, dan mengumpulkan kamu dalam kebaikan dan kepada kebaikan)

People, korang ni kan, I am actually too tired to write lah. I am all stressed out from everything. Kerja. PMS. Not enough rest. Travel. Oh did I mention kerja? Huhu. Rasa nak tidur bawah meja. Namun, demi memenuhi permintaan ramai (chewah chewah), AM presents to you the newlyweds:

Zul and Ayin - shortly after the solemnisation ceremony.
(One of the very few pictures that I got the chance to shoot *sob*)

And here's to Ayin yang gorgeous and one lucky man, Zul:

Now you will feel no rain,
For each of you will be the shelter for the other.
Now you will feel no cold,
For each of you will be the warmth to the other.
Now you are two persons,
but there is only one life before you.
Go now to your dwelling,
To enter into the days of your life together.
May your days be good and long upon the earth.
(Apache Blessing)

Congratulations, Ayin and Zul! God bless!

Friday, July 06, 2007

To love and laughter and happily ever after

Ayin and Zul. Here’s a couple whose journey I have followed since the very beginning. I must say, I am pretty much involved right from their very first hellos. For she is my best friend, I am certain that she had made the right choice and that the marriage would be a wonderful one.

My wish for them is that through the years, their love for each other will deepen and grow. Years from now, may they look back on their wedding day as the day they loved each other the least. May the wedding goes beautifully as planned and may Allah bless this union always.

I can’t wait for tomorrow! But before that, here's sharing something lovely:

The Art of a Good Marriage
by Wilferd Arlan Peterson

A good marriage must be created.
In marriage the ‘little’ things are the big things.
It is never being too old to hold hands.
It is remembering to say, “I love you" at least once a day.
It is never going to sleep angry.
It is having a mutual sense of values, and common objectives.
It is standing together and facing the world.
It is forming a circle that gathers in the whole family.
It is speaking words of appreciation,
and demonstrating gratitude in thoughtful ways.
It is having the capacity to forgive and forget.
It is giving each other an atmosphere in which each can grow.
It is a common search for the good and the beautiful.
It is not only marrying the right person.
It is being the right partner.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Hard work never killed anybody, but why take a chance?

Remember Mr. Irritating? I think he is quite popular in my blogging arena; the one I have always referred to as ‘one of the irritating people here’. Actually he is my only truly irritating colleague lah.

Mr. Irritating is so irritating to the point that you feel like rolling your eyes when he talks to you.

Mr. Irritating is so irritating to the point that you avoid crossing path with him seboleh mungkin. Dia baru lalu depan bilik aku! *role eyes*

Mr. Irritating is so irritating that you have to be careful if he talks about/for you to your bosses because he could tikam you dari belakang anytime. Oh yes, I hampir terkena tau.

Mr. Irritating is so irritating that he is one of the reasons why some of the previous lawyers left the firm.

Mr. Irritating is so irritating that every time you meet ex-lawyers of the firm, they would definitely ask you, “Macam mana kerja dengan *****?” and give you tips on how to handle him.

Mr. Irritating is so irritating that I feel sorry for his wife.

But he is a very good lawyer, so good to the point of you would tebalkan muka untuk menimba ilmu darinya walaupun his initial response would undoubtedly be “Eh takkan ini pun tak tau?” What a jerk.

Yeah babe, he is that good. And that irritating *roll eyes*

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

More than meets the eyes

Low point: Sending Sweetheart to the airport this morning and having to go straight to work after that. Definitely a hampas feeling.

High point: Transformers, more than meets the eyes! My close friends know that I don’t like mega blockbuster movie, but Transformers is an exception. It is Transformers lah beb, which 80s child can say no to Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, Megatron and their lots?! We practically membesar with them. And I like Shia when he did Even Stevens; watching him in that movie made me glow inside (I like witnessing success. Kerana itulah I am a sucker for award shows) By the way, the movie is beyond awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome!

Optimus Prime said they are among us! I think Kiki is one lah (fret not, Kiki is definitely an Autobot) Woot! Now Kiki, transform and roll out!

Monday, July 02, 2007

I wanna grow old with you

I wanna make you smile whenever you're sad. Carry you around when your arthritis is bad. All I wanna do is grow old with you. I'll get you medicine when your tummy aches. Build you a fire if the furnace breaks.
Oh it could be so nice, growing old with you.

I'll miss you, kiss you. Give you my coat when you are cold. Need you, feed you. Even let you hold the remote control. So let me do the dishes in our kitchen sink. Put you to bed when you've had too much to drink.
Oh I could be the one who grows old with you.

I wanna grow old with you.

Originally performed by Adam Sandler in The Wedding Singer.
Click here to listen!