Wednesday, July 18, 2007

“To Him belong the keys of the heavens and the earth... Surely He knows all things full well” (Ash-Shura: 12)

Weddings. It is everywhere. Everyone has gotten married or is getting married lately. At least everyone around me is.

Last 2 weekends was spent attending my best friend’s wedding. This Saturday, there will be 2 schoolmates’ weddings to attend to. In one month time, my Kindred Spirit is getting married. I met Jaja yesterday; she was on leave to tempah her baju kahwin. Sharel and Izza. My cousin Eddy and his fiancé. Another cousin of mine, Haziq and his fiancé. Everyone lah!

Eva Longoria has gotten married, on and off the screen. Even Wilhekmina is getting married, albeit the hideous engagement ring. Burke and Yang. George and Callie. Oh, and Mike the Hotness and Susan juga was finally pronounced as Husband and Wife in a scene yang membersitkan air mataku.

Everyone is getting married! In la la land. In real world. Everywhere! Gigil kejap. Teehee no lah. The time will come. I believe and qada' and qadar.

Speaking of qada' and qadar, marilah kita sedekahkan Al-Fatihah buat mereka yang terkorban dalam
nahas Nuri. Semoga roh mereka dicucuri rahmatNya dan ditempatkan di kalangan yang dikasihiNya.

Rejab is here. Marilah kita memeriahkannya!

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