Friday, October 31, 2008

Judge me by what is in my head, not what is on my head

It’s Oh So Random time again, simply because I have so many things to bebel on. Ngeee. Behold, ya.

1. Saw a sexy nurse during lunch today, with her short nurse costume and fish net socks and killer heels and bouncy curly hair; and all of us went, WTF?! Only then I teringat, it’s Halloween lah! Then Mas asked me, “Lu apahal tak dress up?” (I’m wearing a grey kurung pahang today), lalu gua jawab, “Gua dress up lah ni. As muslimah”. Sila roll eyes.

2. Speaking of dressing the Muslim way, I came across this ad at this blog.

The English translation reads:
You can’t stop them.
But you can protect yourself.
Your creator has your best interest at heart.

Excerpt from the blog: Ethically speaking, I don’t agree with its premise. As is typical in the Middle East, the male view in actions and thought is predominant. The issue of harassment and ‘unwanted attention’ is always presented as a function of what women are or aren’t doing, and therefore it some how excuses from responsibility the fly-brained slobbering men depicted in the ad. [Read More] I like the remark made by the tuan punya blog kerana comel, tetapi yalah, hukum tetap hukum, dan betullah tu, “your creator has your best interest at heart”. Wallahualam.

3. Then I read this article (you must now think that I am so malas at work. No lah, sebentar saja sebelum lunch hour tadi. Ok, ok, the truth is, memang pemalaspun. Tolong buatkan dua Court applications I ni, please) Back to the article; this girl wrote about why she took off her hijjab when she went to study in California (she’s from Iraq). Sila baca ya.

4. And speaking of hijjab; I’m an avid follower of
this site (atau previous entries di sini), featuring cool Muslimah fashion. I especially like all the entries labeled Modesty Make Over; cuteness lah! Basically the site aims to promote the idea that you can look good too dalam keadaan menutup aurat. I do try to dress up occasionally, cumanya, I’m much a too sempoi jeans and t-shirt person. Or more like unadventurous. Or more like kedekut. Ngeee.


5. Is trousers really banned? I think the ban is to be read conjunctively with the reason. If it is too tight or too revealing or jarang, maybe. Or berseluar dengan nawaitu meniru lagak lelaki, mungkin. Wallahualam.

6. And now yoga is haram? Wallahualam. I personally think that yoga is simply another form of exercise. Some do aerobic, some line dance, some play futsal, some jog or swim or lift weight or box or window-shop (erk?), and some, do yoga. This fatwa too, I think, should be read conjunctively with the reason on why it is banned.

Perhaps the decision should be more precise; for instance, “yoga is haram if dilakukan dengan niat menyekutukan Allah atau menjebakkan diri ke dalam ajaran agama lain”. Or “yoga is haram jika dilakukan sehingga lalai menunaikan solat”. Macam jogging juga. Secara asasnya, adalah digalakkan; tapi jika jogging tak menutup aurat, jika jogging sehingga tak solat, jadilah ia bercanggah dengan agama, bukahkah? To state per se that “yoga is haram”, to me, adalah mengelirukan.

Entahlah, I'm not writing this to rebut pandangan golongan agama bijak pandai, kerana ilmu saya sungguh amat cetek. Cuma as a Muslim, saya mahu penerangan yang jelas. Wallahualam, please correct me if I’m wrong.

It’s just that I’m a very simple person who believes that every hukum are catered by the Almighty for our best interest. Wallahualam.

Extensive and quite serious; that’s the tema of today’s Oh So Random, sekian terima kasih. Ngeee.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Don't grow up too quickly,
lest you forget how much you love the beach.

Lega, baru pulang dari Rumah Terbuka serta telah usai satu kerja. Sebelum bersambung ke kerja satu lagi, izinkan saya berehat dan mengetik papan kunci untuk tujuan rekreasi pula. Asalnya saya ingin menulis tentang perkara-perkara yang menggembirakan saya ketika zaman kanak-kanak, tetapi terlalu banyak pula; saya kira ia perlu masa yag panjang untuk dikarang. Lalu saya akan menulis tentang beberapa perkara yang saya gemari ketika saya kecil dan masih saya gemari kini.

Satu: Pantai. Arwah Tok Wan saya ada satu ‘ritual’ untuk setiap cucunya. Selepas kami menginjak umur setahun, kami akan dibawanya ke Batu Feringhi dan mencelupkan kaki kami ke air laut, supaya kami semua akan suka pada laut. Mungkin kerana itu, dari kecil saya suka ciptaan Tuhan itu.

Tetapi kekerapan bermimpi malapetaka melibatkan pantai membuatkan saya kini sedikit takut dengannya. Saya takut berjalan-jalan di pantai lama-lama ketika air surut; bimbang air pasang secara tiba-tiba dan saya tidak sempat lari ke daratan. Saya takut berada di laut dengan daratan tidak kelihatan; bimbang tidak dapat pulang. Saya juga takut dengan desiran ganas di pantai; bimbang jika itu adalah bisikan tsunami. Jadi kini saya punya hubungan cinta-benci dengan lautan dan pantai.

Dua: Buku. Saya jadi hairan bila bertemu dengan individu yang tidak suka membaca. Setidak-tidaknya, perlulah baca surat khabar? Atau blog, mungkin? Saya jenis yang terliur jika nampak apa-apa bahan bacaan; saya perlu perlu perlu membacanya.

Kecil-kecil dahulu, saya kumpul duit belanja yang ibu beri untuk ke koop sekolah membeli karya-karya alih bahasa Enid Blyton. Sehingga sekarang, buku Pokok Ajaib dan Pulau Rahsia masih tidak pernah gagal membikin saya senyum. Saya ingat lagi, setiap hari Ahad, saya akan ikut bapa ke satu pasar tani di Gombak, ada seorang pakcik tua menjual buku-buku DBP dengan harga yang murah. Ada satu buku yang saya pernah beli di situ tajuknya Inai, kisah tentang gadis anak nelayan, saya suka betul dengannya. Jenis buku yang saya gemar berevolusi mengikut usia saya. Besar sikit, baca Creative Enterprise pula. Di sekolah menengah, saya lebih kerap membaca buku aliran Bahasa Inggeris pula, sehinggalah sekarang.

Tiga: Makan bersama ibubapa saya.
Ketika inilah selalunya mood masing-masing ceria dan selalunya adalah masa bertukar-tukar cerita. Terutamanya sarapan pagi. Saya rasa rugi jika tak dapat bersarapan dengan ibubapa saya. Ia mungkin hanya suatu aktiviti harian biasa, tetapi ia adalah antara aktiviti yang paling saya gemari dari kecil. Bermakna, bagi saya.

Empat: Rancangan anugerah. Saya rasa saya pernah beritahu mengapa saya suka rancangan anugerah. Kerana saya suka melihat penat lelah dihargai dan kejayaan disambut. Juga, saya suka mendengar ucapan penghargaan (ini teraplikasi untuk rancangan anugerah dari luar sahaja; kita di sini seperti tidak tahu menyusun ayat penghargaan yang boleh menerbitkan emosi. Rakyat Malaysia kurang berekspresi, mungkin?) Tapi saya tidak tahu mengapa saya suka ketika saya kecil, yang pastinya, saya suka. Mungkin kerana penuh glam and glitz and joy.

Lima: Memberi hadiah. Dari kecil saya akan berusaha agar keluarga dan teman-teman baik saya terima hadiah untuk hari lahir mereka.

Saya pasti ini adalah satu sifat mahmudah yang diturunkan oleh ibubapa saya yang tidak pernah lokek memberi hadiah kepada saya dan adik. Keputusan peperiksaan Top 3, dapat hadiah. Hari lahir, tentu dapat hadiah. Hari raya, dapat hadiah/duit. Bapa dapat bonus, dapat hadiah/duit. Jadi, tentunya saya terkesan.

Cukuplah setakat ini dulu. Nanti saya mengarang lagi. Mahu sambung mengetik papan kunci untuk tujuan saya dibayar di Firma ini. Ngeee.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

When I'm not sure of, my priorities
When I've lost sight of, where I'm meant to be
Like holy water, washing over me
You make it real for me!

Am too lazy to write so it is Oh So Random time again!

Tiket Broadway Parodies Lagi Lah! Fun fun fun!

My best friend went to London and bought me this book.
Books there are so cheap! Dengki tau!

Aromatic tea from France, juga dari Ayin dan Zul. Refreshingly lazat!

[Picture: Hubby's 26th birthday cake]

And we celebrated Hubby's turning 26 here with yummy good foods.

[Picture: Suami saya mengekspresikan obsesi beliau terhadap ketam]
More pictures are

This is the morning when the Husband and I went to the beach with the Dad and the Little Bro. Sadly, pada jam 11 pagi, air masih surut, jadi kami gagal mandi laut. Hanya berjalan-jalan menikmati udara segar di Pantai Kelanang.

[Picture: My favourite girls in the whole wide world]
More pictures are here.

This is from Ana's wedding reception yang kami hadiri semalam.
My oh my, the garden-theme setting was gorgeous and Ana was stunning.
Good foods, best friends and celebration of love; now that's happiness!

When my head is strong but my heart is weak
I'm full of hurricanes and uncertainty
But I can find the words, you teach my heart to speak
You make it real for me!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm in the Benz on Monday
The BM on Tuesday
Range on Wednesday
Thursday I'm in the Hooptay
Porsche on Friday
I do things my way
Vipe or Vette, I tear up the highway

I was tagged by Haneem but am too lazy to answer all of the TAG questions right now. And besides, I’m at work with works piling on my desk! What am I doing blogging when I have so much work to be done? Sila jangan report kepada Lady Boss saya. Beliau sedang sarat mengandung. I just have to get this out of my system. Ada satu soalan in that TAG that intrigued me, mostly because soalan itu membenarkan saya berangan-angan. Ngeee. The question is, “What would you do with a billion dollars?”

To that question, I would like to say, where do I even start?

(a) At the risk of sounding like Ross, I would first save/invest most of the moolah. Maybe more than half. Boring, I know. Tetapi saving/investment adalah perlu. Walaupun Dirgahayu Malaysia ini mengaku masih economically stable when the rest of the world has declared recession, saya rasa, mari jangan percaya. Dirgahayu Malaysia is simply in denial.

Pak-Pak Menteri tentulah have nothing to worry about, they have millions in their savings when I can only imagine how millions looks like. Saya teka saja ya, Pak Menteri. Saya tidak fitnah. Ngeee.

(b) Invest in a few high-end properties or something; I don’t know, I’m not a real estate expert, but I think I could be Trump-savvy if I have the moolah.

(c) Definitely buy a swanky, huge place for us and furnish/decorate it with pretty, pretty things. Preferably in Shah Alam. Simply because I really like Shah Alam and they have pretty, pretty houses there. No offence, JB.

(d) Maybe buy a brand new car? A cool one. A hybrid, perhaps? Barulah Hollywood-ness fabulosity. Hubby nak kereta apa?

(e) Buy my parents and my in laws new cars each. Their pick.

Send my parents to a trip around the world and my in laws to Hajj.

(g) I’d definitely give some moolah to my Little Bro. RM100 K, cukup, dek?

(h) I would donate some to my favourite charity. If and/or when saya menjadi kaya, sila remind saya mengenai ini, just in case saya lupa diri.

One thing I’d really like to do if I have the money is to finance a few, poor anak yatim sehingga tamat belajar ke menara gading. How wonderful (Sekali lagi, sila remind saya jika saya gelap mata)

(j) Shopping! Hubby, all you can take, ya. New clothes, new phone, PSP, Wii, PS3, Xbox, all the gadgets in the world; ambillah, everything on me.

(k) Next, to the bookstore; shop for books books books!

Calling all AM’s friends! I’d like to belanja you guys to a fabulous dinner with some pressies to go with! Tiba-tiba pada ketika ini, meluru semua datang mengaku kawan; all those busuk hati people from my past and what not. But I shall not be fooled. I know who my friends and my foes are. Okaylah, bukan foes, I’d like to think that I have no foes; let’s call them People I’d Rather Not Be Friends With. Heh.

[Izin Laluan: Tiba-tiba teringat angan-angan Kindred Spirit saya ketika zaman uni; jika dia dapat durian runtuh, apa yang akan dia beli untuk kawan-kawan. The funniest I could recall ialah dia mahu beli Smart TAG untuk Aniz! Juga berus gigi elektrik untuk adiknya! WTF?! Hahaha]

(m) Maybe I’ll become an Ah-Long! Oh silap, the socially acceptable term is Pemberi Pinjaman Wang Berlesen. Come, come, loan with low interest rate. “Whatever loan you want, we also have”

(n) Perhaps set up a few small businesses? Floral shop. Bridal shop. Coffee shop. Magazine shop. Nothing substantial, something fun.

Oh oh I know! Give the Husband the capital to set up his own legal practice! So that he can finally do things he loves while getting rich at it. Ngeee (I’m such a darling wife, don’t you think so?)

(p) But what I want to do the most is take a break from work and go travel with the Husband all around the globe. Oh my, bestnya bestnya!

(q) And maybe take a break from work for good and manage the (above-mentioned) small businesses. Maybe then, I could write a book (berangan).

That’s all I could think of at the mo. Now I gotta stop pretending to live a fabulous billionaire life and back to being an underpaid lawyer. Jangan benarkan this penniless woman meneruskan angan-angannya.

So, people? What would you do with One Billion Doughs?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Lucky I'm in love with my best friend
Lucky to have been where I have been
Lucky to be coming home again
Lucky we're in love every way
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed
Lucky to be coming home someday

What Is Love?
(Susan Polis Schutz)

Love is . . .
Being happy for the other person when they are happy
Being sad for the person when they are sad
Being together in good times
And being together in bad times
Love is the source of strenght.

Love is . . .
Being honest with yourself at all times
Being honest with the other person at all times
Telling, listening, respecting the truth and never pretending.
Love is the source of reality.

Love is . . .
An understanding so complete that you feel
as if you are a part of the other person
Accepting the other person just the way they are
And not trying to change them to be something else
Love is the source of unity.

Love is . . .
The freedom to pursue your own desires
while sharing your experiences with the other person
The growth of one individual alongside of
and together with the growth of another individual
Love is the source of success.

Love is . . .
The excitement of planning things together
The excitement of doing things together
Love is the source of future.

Love is . . .
The fury of the storm
The calm in the rainbow
Love is the source of passion.

Love is . . .
Giving and taking in a daily situation
Being patient with each other's needs and desires
Love is the source of sharing.

Love is . . .
Knowing that the other person will always be with you
regardless of what happens
Missing the other person when they are away
but remaining near in heart at all times
Love is the source of security
Love is the source of life.

Hubby dearie,
love to me, is you!

Happy happy happy birthday!
May Allah bless you today and always!

More than love,

Monday, October 20, 2008

“It's the most unhappy people who most fear change”
- Mignon McLaughlin in The Second Neurotic's Notebook, 1966

I am seriously thinking of switching to DiGi Postpaid and keeping my C*elcom number. While I agree that C*elcom has the widest coverage, I’m simply pissed off that I have to top up my prepaid dengan kerap sedangkan I hardly make calls. The Husband has been using DiGi Postpaid for years now dan saya mendapati bilnya agak rendah considering that dia lebih banyak buat panggilan kerana dia malas menaip SMS, juga, saya sering menggunakan talian dia untuk buat panggilan. Hmm maybe I should switch.

Besides, I really like their website. Sungguh user-friendly. And it is a known fact that I really, really like their adverts. See? Siapa kata simple things do not matter? It matters to people like me. When you care enough to make your website that accessible and your iklan that cool, I care enough to switch for you. Maybe I should do it today. Owh no, I’m not paid to do this advert.

And speaking of switching, we'd have to move to another place soon. Kami sungguh suka rumah kami but the owner is selling the place; we were initially interested to purchase it kerana: (a) kami sungguh suka ia, (b) kami mungkin boleh menyewakannya when/if the Husband got transferred kerana it is in a good location, dan (c) the owner was asking for quite a good price. Tetapi after sitting on the idea for a while, we don’t think it is wise to make the purchase. Mengapa? Tak perlulah saya elaborate di sini.

Maka, we’re looking for a new place and if you dudes/babes know any, please let me know. I’m thinking a townhouse or another apartment/condo, but the Husband wants a landed place pula. I really like the look of Sri Samudera, Datin Halimah, Pulai View; but the rent of those places are beyond what we’re willing to pay. I heard Villa Rose Townhouse rent is quite okay tetapi seperti tiada vacancy for rental. So please, let me know, eh?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Hadapi dengan senyuman
Semua yang terjadi biar terjadi
Hadapi dengan tenang jiwa
Semuakan baik-baik saja

Bila ketetapan tuhan
Sudah ditetapkan, tetaplah sudah
Tak ada yang bisa merubah dan takkan bisa berubah

Relakanlah saja ini bahwa semua yang terbaik
Terbaik untuk kita semua
Menyerahlah untuk menang

Semalam saudari Ayin mengadu merindui suami yang kini di Kota London. Hari ini saudara Hakimi mengadu merindui kawan-kawan yang kebanyakannya di ibu kota. Saya juga rindu. Rindu untuk bersarapan bersama ibu bapa saya. Rindu suasana hingar jalan raya di ibu kota. Rindu untuk bertemu kawan-kawan sealiran seusai Mahkamah. Rindu untuk bergaduh dengan adik saya. Rindu ke Sogo. Rindu berbual-bual dengan rakan sepejabat sekepala. Aduh, rindunya mahu makan nasik kandar bersama Kano di KLCC. Rindulah.

Tapi jika saya terus hanyutkan diri dengan perasaan rindu ini, tentu saya akan sentiasa sayu. Sekali-sekala melayan rindu, tak mengapalah. Di hari-hari biasa, saya perlu menghargai dan mensyukuri apa yang saya ada.

Syukur ada suami yang setiap hari menerbitkan rasa cinta dan bahagia dalam jiwa. Ibu bapa saya mungkin jauh, tapi suami saya itu tidak pernah berkata tidak jika saya ingin pulang bertemu ibu bapa saya. Juga, saya punya mertua yang baik dan menyayangi saya (saya rasalah). Saya mungkin belum punya ramai kawan di Mahkamah, tapi ada juga segelintir kenalan. Juga, saya ada suami saya yang boleh minum bersama saya seusai Mahkamah. Mungkin tiada Sogo, tapi di sebelah firma sekarang, ada Plaza Pelangi yang tak kurang seronoknya. Walaupun kenalan pejabat saya tidaklah setanding Kano, Suhail, Kimi, Abang Laza, Abang Man, Abang Haris, Adrin, Kak Siti, Kak Ita dan sebagainya, tapi tak mengapalah.

Saya tekad menghargai dan mensyukuri apa yang saya ada. Masa untuk cipta dan punya kenalan baru, tempat-tempat kegemaran baru, hobi baru, kenangan baru dan pelbagai lagi perkara baru. Kerana hidup ini singkat, kita perlu cuba mencari kebaikan dan kebahagiaan dalam setiap yang kita hadapi/temui. Perkataan operatif di sini ialah CUBA, ya.

Bukankah telah Allah berfirman, "Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi pula kamu menyukai sesuatu, padahal ia amat buruk bagimu, Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." (Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 216). Tazkirah Jumaat sikit. Ngeee.

Oh, juga, saya TGIF dan esok bercuti dan malam ini saya dan suami akan menonton teater Broadway Parodies Lagi Lah! di Jothic, presented by The Actors Studio; "a rich rojak of slices of Malaysian life garnished with a big splash of humour and served up on a platter of great songs." Saya isytiharkan bahawa saya gembira. Ngeee.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Suasana hari raya walau di manapun jua
Memberikan ketenangan dan menenteramkan jiwa

Who'd guessed? I love being a host! Although I wish I am more cekap at cooking like my mom, I realize that that's a skill you shall acquire dalam suatu tempoh masa, jadi saya agak berpuas hati dengan taraf saya sekarang. My mom is so cekap I tell you, she can single-handedly prepare hidangan ala diraja untuk satu open house, and I'm talking about open house yang manusia datang dari pagi sampai ke malam, di mana makanan lazat tidak putus-putus di samping rumah dan dapur yang sentiasa bersih dan kemas. Man, she's good! But I think I'm doing okay so far. Teehee.

This is the first open house we hosted, but to call it an open house would be melampau; ia hanya an impromptu, mini get-together.

I cooked Ikan Bawal Sweet Sour, Sayur Chap Chai, Udang Bakar and puding karamel for dessert. Oh and the Husband made Sup Ayam.

Sparkling Grape ya itu. Biasalah, dapat dalam Raya Hamper. Ngeee.

This is from when Zu came over with her clan:

Hari kerja, so I made very simple Makaroni and
goreng some Keropok Lekor for them. Harap kalian kenyang ya.
Oh siapa mahu beli insurans, sila hubungi Cik Zuriani yang comel itu.

This is from when Mazia came to JB for a Court case:

No this is not my house. Ngeee. We had dinner (straight after work)
at the famous seafood stall in Tepian Tebrau.
Dod, for the pictures! (I look so tembam in this picture!!!)

This is on Sunday afternoon, when the Husband's best buddies
came over for a simple lunch:

I made Makaroni Goreng (lagi), goreng some popia otak-otak
and made cool Fruit Cocktail Pudding for dessert.

In the evening, Dod came with her very cute cousin with very cute children:

Tentu menu yang sama. Ngeee.

Later at night, the Husband's friend came with his adorable wife
and equally adorable son:

Siapa mahu datang beraya, jemputlah ke rumah.
Tapi jangan lupa give us a ring terlebih dahulu ya! Enjoy raya!

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Well she always knows her place
She's got style, she's got grace, she's a winner
She's a Lady, she's a Lady!

Remember the feisty lady boss I told you about before? She served her last day at the firm yesterday, to everyone’s dismay, she was leaving to open up her own practice. Immediately today, another lady was promoted to take her place to lead the Litigation Practice Group. It seems that everywhere I go, I am destined to have a lady as a boss, which, I must say, is not a bad thing at all. During my uni days, I did my attachment with a husband-wife legal firm and I was designated to work for the wife. Then I did my chambering under a lady Master, who later became my immediate superior. I joined this firm and was put under the supervision of the feisty boss and now, under another lady boss. I must add that contrary to popular sentiment, I have had no problem whatsoever working for/with a lady (Disclaimer: I reserve the right to revise this statement someday. Ngeee)

Just so you know, ABC reported that a recent survey by Pew Research Center found that women outscored men when it came to most leadership traits, namely Honesty, Intelligence and Compassion. In term of Hardworking and Ambitious, women and men are tied. In fact, men only came out on top in the Decisiveness department. Teehee. Indeed, if there’s one thing that men are better at, it definitely is being decisive. We women tend to be less decisive, mainly because we think too much. Ngeee. Genetically speaking though, I think we are better leaders because we multi-task extraordinarily; we’re just built that way.

But anyhow, I think that being a good leader, a good worker, a good student, have nothing to do with being a male or a female and I think Sydnye White (an award-winning television producer) summed it best when she said: "My best boss was a female, my worst boss was a female, I don't know that being a female had anything to do with it." Well said, don't you think?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Neurosis is always a substitute for legitimate suffering ~ Carl Jung

I’ve been wanting to upload the pictures from our mini open house but haven’t got the chance to do the editing and resizing and what not. So here’s a regular non-raya post. An ex-colleague sent me an intriguing e-mail entitled The Psychopath Test, which I’d like to share here. You have to answer this, ya kawan-kawan!

A woman, while at the funeral of her own mother, met a guy whom she didn't know. She thought this guy was amazing. She believed him to be her dream guy so much, that she fell in love with him right there, but never asked for his number and couldn't find him. A few days later she killed her sister.

Question: What is her motive for killing her sister? [Give this some thought before you answer, people]

Answer: She was hoping the guy would appear at the funeral again.

If you answered this correctly, you think like a psychopath. This was a test by a famous American Psychologist used to test if one has the same mentality as a killer. Many arrested serial killers took part in the test and answered the question correctly.

If you didn't answer the question correctly, kawan-kawan, good for you! But if you got the answer correct, please let me know, saya sungguh gentar. Teehee. Tapi anda jangan bimbang, tentulah I did not answer it correctly. Bukan kerana I do not have a mind of a psychopath I guess, but simply because of my lack of imagination. Ngeee.

An excerpt from another e-mail that cheered me up this morning:

Now that’s one cool politician! Ngeee.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Selamat Aidil Fitri
Kepada saudara serta saudari

Setahun hanya sehari
Merayakan hari yang mulia ini

[Second raya at my side - so so much fun!!!]

Di masa bulan Ramadhan
Kita berpuasa hingga sebulan
Pabila Syawal menjelma
Hari Raya disambut dengan gembira

[First raya at his side - our first raya together as Hubby & Wifey :D]

Miskin kaya memakai baju baru warna-warni
Mengunjung sanak-saudara kaum famili
Sungguh hebat permandangan di hari raya ini
Tua muda wajah berseri-seri

[Beautiful people from his side]

[Beautiful people from my side]

[Beautiful people from his side]

[Beautiful people from my side]

Marilah bergembira
Bersama menikmati hari raya
Minta mak kuih sepotong
Saya mahu makan kerna perut kosong

[The cake I made for the MIL. I made one for my mom too. Tahun ini tiada biskut raya by the way. Too malas, maka cake sahajalah.
Oh go to my Foodie Blog for the recipe]

Maafkanlah jika ada terlanjur perkataan
Diharap supaya jangan disimpan
Ku berdoa selamat panjang umur murah rezeki
Semoga Tuhan akan memberkati

Selamat Hari Raya
Hari untuk kita bersuka ria
Selamat kami ucapkan
Untuk kita hingga sampai tahun depan

POSTSCRIPT: It's getting late and I should get some sleep now; I've got a few Court cases tomorrow and I am so tired from hosting a mini open house for the Husband's EC buddies. Cooking + cleaning + entertaining = Exhaustion (but I am happy, neverthless). We're planning to host another one for our UiTM buddies; I can't wait! Maybe I'll upload some pictures from the open house soon, but for now, good night people. I need to rest.

Enjoy your raya, kawan-kawan!!!