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Who'd guessed? I love being a host! Although I wish I am more cekap at cooking like my mom, I realize that that's a skill you shall acquire dalam suatu tempoh masa, jadi saya agak berpuas hati dengan taraf saya sekarang. My mom is so cekap I tell you, she can single-handedly prepare hidangan ala diraja untuk satu open house, and I'm talking about open house yang manusia datang dari pagi sampai ke malam, di mana makanan lazat tidak putus-putus di samping rumah dan dapur yang sentiasa bersih dan kemas. Man, she's good! But I think I'm doing okay so far. Teehee.
This is the first open house we hosted, but to call it an open house would be melampau; ia hanya an impromptu, mini get-together.

I cooked Ikan Bawal Sweet Sour, Sayur Chap Chai, Udang Bakar and puding karamel for dessert. Oh and the Husband made Sup Ayam.

Sparkling Grape ya itu. Biasalah, dapat dalam Raya Hamper. Ngeee.

This is from when Zu came over with her clan:
Hari kerja, so I made very simple Makaroni and
goreng some Keropok Lekor for them. Harap kalian kenyang ya.
Oh siapa mahu beli insurans, sila hubungi Cik Zuriani yang comel itu.
This is from when Mazia came to JB for a Court case:No this is not my house. Ngeee. We had dinner (straight after work)
at the famous seafood stall in Tepian Tebrau.
Thanks Dod, for the pictures! (I look so tembam in this picture!!!)
This is on Sunday afternoon, when the Husband's best buddies
came over for a simple lunch:

I made Makaroni Goreng (lagi), goreng some popia otak-otak
and made cool Fruit Cocktail Pudding for dessert.
In the evening, Dod came with her very cute cousin with very cute children:
Tentu menu yang sama. Ngeee.
Later at night, the Husband's friend came with his adorable wife
and equally adorable son:
Siapa mahu datang beraya, jemputlah ke rumah.
Tapi jangan lupa give us a ring terlebih dahulu ya! Enjoy raya!
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