When I've lost sight of, where I'm meant to be
Like holy water, washing over me
You make it real for me!
Am too lazy to write so it is Oh So Random time again!
Tiket Broadway Parodies Lagi Lah! Fun fun fun!
My best friend went to London and bought me this book.
Books there are so cheap! Dengki tau!
Aromatic tea from France, juga dari Ayin dan Zul. Refreshingly lazat!
[Picture: Hubby's 26th birthday cake]
And we celebrated Hubby's turning 26 here with yummy good foods.
[Picture: Suami saya mengekspresikan obsesi beliau terhadap ketam]
More pictures are here.
This is the morning when the Husband and I went to the beach with the Dad and the Little Bro. Sadly, pada jam 11 pagi, air masih surut, jadi kami gagal mandi laut. Hanya berjalan-jalan menikmati udara segar di Pantai Kelanang.
[Picture: My favourite girls in the whole wide world]
More pictures are here.
This is from Ana's wedding reception yang kami hadiri semalam.
My oh my, the garden-theme setting was gorgeous and Ana was stunning.
Good foods, best friends and celebration of love; now that's happiness!
When my head is strong but my heart is weak
I'm full of hurricanes and uncertainty
But I can find the words, you teach my heart to speak
You make it real for me!
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