Everything gets reduced to essentials.” - Meryl Streep
How long has it been since I last updated? Well I’ve been busy. Chewah. I’ve resumed work and hence, the adaptation process begins. I am now a working mother! But I, like Jane Sellman, believe that the phrase is rather redundant. If you’re a mother, you work all the time. It’s a fact. A mother's work begins the moment her child buka mata pagi-pagi buta and well, never stops.
I know I complaint a lot about working and rant about how I want to be a tai-tai stay at home mom, with lots of money to burn, but towards the end of my confinement, I kinda miss drafting pleadings and submissions, going to the Court and meetings, yada yada yada. So yes, although I’d never say no to being a tai-tai SAHM with lotsa cash and spend every single minutes with my precious darling boy, I’d have to say, it feels kinda good to be back in the office.
Even more so as on my second day at work, I received a letter pertaining to my salary review. Alhamdulillah, rezeki anak, kata orang. It’s not much, but small things like this makes you feel appreciated lah. Semangatlah sikit kononnya.
My days begin early nowadays. Mula awal, habis lambat. Pagi bangun nak siapkan diri sendiri, nak siapkan Hadi; bathe him, feed him, pack his baju, prepare EBM, then barulah send him off to MIL’s. Petang after work, pick up Hadi from MIL’s, sampai rumah terus feed him, bathe him then dodoi dia suruh take a nap, so that I can go mandi and what not. Malam, bila dia dah lena, barulah nak tengok rumah, buat laundry ke apa ke. These days, nak buat apa-apa pun cepat-cepat. Everything’s reduced to essentials indeed. Heh. Thank God my husband is not fussy about makan, so we eat out or tapau foods, lalu kuranglah sikit things on my plate.
But like I told you before, I am prepared for the change. In fact I embrace the change. Kerana ia berlaku disebabkan kewujudan this precious little joy, my darling Hadi. I'm adapting. I know I’ll do better in times, lama-lama nanti terbiasalah dengan rutin baru kan?
At the risk of turning this blog into a ‘mothers blog’ (ngeee!), I’m gonna share some of my darling Hadi’s milestones at his tender age of 10 weeks:
Smiles a lot. He takes that after me, I think. Perasan.
Sleeps a lot. And rather easily nowadays.
Stares a lot. Ability to focus, salah satu pencapaian bayi 2 bulan yeay!
Sembang a lot. Becok like his Mama, so his Papa would say. Hah!
Makan tangan a lot. Masam tangan dia sekarang. Kalau pakai mitten, habis basah.
And he definitely laughs a lot. One happy baby this one is, alhamdulillah :)
Motherhood is undoubtedly one roller-coaster ride but it’s all worth it. I am one happy Mama!
Motherhood (or parenthood) memang mengubah semua orang kan? Mengubah kepada perubahan yang positif pastinya.
Selamat menjadi yummy mummy!
aha dah besar Hadi. :)
masih terbayang-bayang baca cerita masa tengah sarat pregnant haritu.
kan... kan...semuanya kene buat dgn pantas & tuntas masa baby tidok. hihi.
Umar dah ada simptom isap2 mitten, tp tak selalu.kadang2 aje. i wonder bilakah masa yg sesuai boleh cabot mitten eh?
dan iye... Umar pn lately suke bangatttt sembang.tengah2 mlm pun bgn ajak sembang - it happened last night. tersengguk2 la mama dia nih layan dia sembang. sampai at one time, dia nangis sbb i dah tertido. hahaa...
Reena: Ubah kepada positif, insyaAllah!
Wafaa: Hehe Hadi bayi berumur kecil berbadan besar.
Coffee_addicts: Alaa kesian Umar nak sembang, mama dia tertidur. Haha. I buka mitten kalau time jalan-jalan je. Time tidur, pakai lagi.
Ya Allah bam-bam nyeee Hadi.. dah lah pandai buat mimik muka.. ni memang ikut mama dia lah tuh..
Selamat menempuh fasa working mother.. tak lama lagi turn kakak pulak.. doakan ya..
Wawa: Sorry I ter-spelled your name as Wafaa :P Salah tengok!
Madu Lebah: Kakak pasti akan berjaya! :D
makan laju-laju, mandi cepat-cepat, lipat baju cepat, sume pun cepat kan? aritu aku tgk Parenthood (masa Kasih tido) aku harap jam cepat berjalan supaya cpt habis. kahkah.
Ayin: Kalau nak mandi tapi tak ada orang lain nak tengokkan Hadi, aku siap mandi buka pintu, takut dia jerit unnoticed. Haha.
motherhood is all about adjusting adjusting & adjusting :)
mesti kau office fikiran asyik floating teringat kat hadi :)
hadi! sungguh comel kamu .. dgn rambut lebatnye .. geram!
FrH: adjusting adjusting & adjusting indeed! :D
Nak cubit pipi Hadi lagi. Haritu tak puas. Hehe. Pulau Sentosa, yok! :P
Motherhood = adjusting + adapting. No worries, it may take d whole life to treasure. Heh :D
alalala budak bibir sexy ni..handsome
Wahida: Hadi belum ada pasport! Haha.
Anon: Hahaha bibir sexy!
Waahhh... Semangatt! 7kg already!
Alhamdulillah, yang penting sihat. Tangan sakit sikit apa salahnya mommy? heheh
am..sgt comey n semangat hadi..x macam baby 2 bln...geram kaklin tgk...hehehehe..nway..slmt bekerja...
Fieza: Betul betul betul :D
Kak Lin: Masa lahir tak macam newborn. 2 bulan macam 4 bulan. Hahaha!
Eyes, Nose, Skin - Mummy
Lips - Daddy
Am macam budah besar dah. Tak der gaya 2 bulan
Jas: Haha your observation macam lain dari most people. Most people kata nose = Daud, lips = me. Hehe.
Am, bukan setakat masa baby sorang. Bila dah anak 3 pun banyak lagi yang nak kena adjust.
Don't worry too much about the weight. Hadi ni mungkin bila dia start crawling nanti berat dia tak naik cepat sangat.
DNAS: constantly kena adjust ikut anak, kan?
is Hadi 7 kg now?? perrrgh..sikit masa lagi biceps triceps Mama lagi besar dari Papa!
lamanya aku tak jenguk ko. dah besar nampak Hadi ni. berapa sebnarnya umur dia?
seronokla ceria2 begini.. debabnye die..eee
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