Wednesday, May 13, 2009

"Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does."

My heart goes out to my Little Bro; he is having some problem graduating due to some mishap even though he has an outstanding CGPA! How’s that for irony? Rasa helpless sungguh tak dapat do anything in my power to help him. Kalau saya Siti Nurhaliza, boleh juga saya pergi jumpa the relevant person dan rasuah dia dengan tiket konsert saya atau LV handbags (sebab Siti Nurhaliza ada semua koleksi LV, I was told?) supaya tolong adik saya itu. Tapi saya cuma insan kerdil tanpa kuasa, apatah lagi wang. Yang saya ada, cuma doa yang tak pernah putus untuk keluarga yang saya sayang. Sedihlah. Bak kata Chika yang comel, sedih secara banyak.

Letihnya belajar, kan? Tentu, masa belajar was the most fun I had with friends, tapi memang letihlah. I was not a good student back in STF. Banyak main, banyak tidur, banyak menguasai Common Room untuk tengok TV, banyak meniru. Definitely not a teacher’s pet-lah. More like Pak Yem’s nightmare. Hahaha. But I was determined to change that in uni.

Alhamdulillah I did very well in uni, malah better than I expected of myself. But I had my ups and downs. I failed once! I failed English, for Heaven’s sake! Can you imagine that?! Seorang Law student yang fail English. Saya sungguh malu, tak tipu. How did I manage to fail English?

Dengan percubaan tunjuk pandai. Soalan ada 2 set, A and B. Soalan were based on this English Lit we studied the whole sem, The Importance of Being Earnest (“TIOBE”) and Death of a Salesman ("DOAS") (Thanks to Zul kerana mengingatkan). If you choose to answer TIOBE questions in Set A, Set B juga perlu jawab soalan bagi TIOBE. Tapi saya memandai jawab soalan TIOBE untuk Set A dan saya pilih untuk jawab soalan DOAS untuk Set B. In my defence, apa salahnya? That only goes to show that I read both books by heart! Hahaha. Tapi tentulah, ini Malaysia, lojik akal mana boleh overrule technicality, dan lecturer saya ketika itu langsung tak mahu bantu, and so I failed. For the first time ever in my uni years.

Although I can always tell myself that I did not fail on merits, tapi memang down-lah ketika itu. Zaman belajar, exam results-lah segalanya. Belum tahu lagi betapa lagi banyaknya cabaran masa kerja. So I repeated one semester of English and got an A to rub in the lecturer’s face. Hah!

Ini juga menyusahkan saya ketika mahu sambung belajar LL.B (Honours) because my transcript was not updated. For some reason, seolah-olah saya failed dan tak pernah repeat. Oh my, there I was, with my 3.45 LL.B CGPA, tapi tak dapat sambung belajar sebab benda bodoh begini. I so hate technicalities begini. Thank God for Puan Farizah yang membantu. Setiap kali orang bantu saya tanpa balasan sebegitu, saya akan buat janji dengan diri saya sendiri yang saya akan contohi sikap begitu and give back to others. To her it may be a simple gesture but it meant the world to me.

Macam cerita The Kid and the Starfish-lah. Once a man was walking along a beach. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful day. Off in the distance he could see a kid going back and forth between the surf's edge and and the beach. As the man approached he could see that there were hundreds of starfish stranded on the sand. The man was stuck by the apparent futility of the task. There were far too many starfish. Many of them were sure to perish. As he approached, the kid continued the task of picking up starfish one by one and throwing them into the surf. As he came up to the kid, he said, "You must be crazy. There are thousands of miles of beach covered with starfish. You can't possibly make a difference." The kid looked at the man. He then stooped down and picked up one more starfish and threw it back into the ocean. He turned back to the man and said, "It sure made a difference to that one!" Ingat tau, we can make a difference!

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