Yesterday, I surprised him by preparing some simple dishes for lunch: Tom Yam Ayam, Sotong Celup Tepung and Udang Goreng Kunyit. No there was no healthy sayur because yours truly forgot to buy them and there was no green stuff stock at home. Basically I packed up picnic items: good foods and myself. Haha. I surprised him good I must say. Cooking? The least he expected from me lah. Pernah baked for him tapi aku memang suka baking. He tasted my cooking twice but that was different scenarios: 1) Aku masak mee untuk diri sendiri dan dia nak rasa maka aku bawa untuk dia sikit. 2) Masakan ibu yang dibantu olehku. Heh. But when (and if) I cook, I always serve love on plates. Teehee. Bak kata Ibu, masak dengan kasih sayang. Anyways, it was a redup, windy day and the lakeside picnic was calming and fun. I must say, this time around, I scored big time. Ngeh ngeh. Bukankah kata Madonna (eik?), relationship is a generosity contest. Berlumba-lumba untuk lebih membahagiakan. Heh.
Today was emotional. I sent him off to KLIA dan kali ini tidak tahu lagi bila dia akan pulang lagi. Yours truly shamelessly cried. Ngeh ngeh. What’s worse is the fact that next week is going to be a pretty hectic week, telahpun mendapat bebanan kerja-kerja yang perlu diselesaikan minggu depan, dan separuh lagi beban akan menyusul minggu depan, rest assured. Sometimes (kadang-kadang saja ya), I feel like giving up office work, get married, be a stay at home wife and a doting mom, pakai comel-comel, membaca dari pagi sampai petang, watch Oprah both at 9 am and 1 pm dan paling penting, write cool articles or manage some cool restaurant from home and get paid for that. Gila best. But until I can make up my mind, let’s just say what I really want (in my career department lah), is to complete my chambering period. Two (plus, plus) more months to go.
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