I haven't told you about my wonderful weekends, have I? So many stuffs happened since my biru episode. Ngee. 28/5: The girls and I celebrated Naem's birthday in the park (Happy belated birthday, hun). Had a good time doing nothing but talking and eating and laughing. Slept over at old home in Section 7 with my ex roomies. The next day, 29/5: convocation day. My second convocation actually. It was fun nevertheless - reunited with old friends, graced my first meeting with Mr.D's family, met Mr.D's new car, which I nicknamed Tuah. Sukanya hati saya. Saya suka mereka semua dalam hidup saya itu. Amat sangat.
Some frozen memories from Naem's 24th birthday party: The cake - The gal - Me and the girl I love wholeheartedly, Far - The girls enjoying pizza, which btw were sponsored by Mazia and Elin, our Puan DPPs. Teehee - Me and the celebrated gal, Naem -
LLB (Hons) Convocation 2006: Me while waiting for the roomies - The girls & I waiting to take our gang studio picture - Far & I - Ana & I in the hall - With my beloved parents in gold - Yeay graduated me (again) -
I would like to sum up my last weekends with an excerpt from a book I am currently reading, the one which is simply entitled Love ETC written by Julian Barnes, which I bought for only RM5, the one labeled as Fiction/Literature, the one I find myself really liking: "But with friendship, it's not so simple, is it? You meet someone, you like them, you do things together - and you're friends. But you don't have a ceremony saying you are, and you don't have a target. And sometimes you're only friends because you have friends in common. And there are friends you don't see for a while who you pick up with straight away, right where you left off; and others where you have to start all over again. And there's no divorce. I mean, you can quarrel, but that's another thing."
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