Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Divine Blessing in Being Redha

I was not called for an interview with Shearn (for my chambering place). I slipped my CV thru Anis but maybe they did not like the way my CV looked. I remember not putting a picture. And there was no cover letter. Ingat saja suka2. At first I was broken. After a very short while, saya telah paksa diri untuk redha. It was hard, me being me. Diri baik bergelut dengan diri jahat (yang selalu menang) tapi hari tu diri baik menang. I accept the fact yang rezeki takde kat situ. Mungkin boleh hantar lagi. Mungkin ada tempat lain. Kan there is always a silver lining in the cloud kalau kita pay close attention. Redha. Sangat indah. Sangat melegakan.

I lost my watch. The one Ibu got me for my 22nd birthday. The one I love so so much. Left it at the toilet kejap je lepas amek wudhu'. Habis sembahyang (ppl who know me know that I sembahyang quite laju.. bad bad me) dah lesap. Mr. D and Anwar helped me with the ehem investigation. Cleaner Indon tuduh ada student curi. Cari the alleged student, who happened to be a law student, debater lagi (macam good antecedents la kira), she told us it was the cleaner (yang tuduh die tu) yang amik. The other cleaner (a more tua one) tuduh cleaner muda tu gak. Persoalannya: Adakah cleaner muda itu bercakap benar??? But I feel really bad for her. Sian die kalau die betul2 tak amek. Sangat harap bukan dia yang amek. Lepas dah usaha, sedih sikit sebab sangat suka dan sayang jam tu, tapi amat redha juga. Sangat melegakan.

Kesimpulannya: Redha amat indah dan melegakan (tapi susah betul diri ni nak buat).