Saturday, August 20, 2005

So many things happened since I last blogged:

1. My best friend is now happily engaged to her 6 years sweetheart. I did not get to go (Sorry my dear, got an important seminar to attend) but I am so so happy for them. Allah could not have brought two more perfect people together.

2. Ayah kepada a good friend of mine, Elyana, passed away on the same day of my best friend's engagement. My parents went to ziarah, and again, I am really sorry for not being there. Deepest condolence from me, and I pray for Allahyarham Jalil for Allah's blessings and forgiveness.

3. On lighter note, I bought myself a notebook! Finally. I went with Mr.D to Low Yatt the PC lover haven, and unlike others, the 1st thing on my specs is a SMALL and LIGHT notebook. Teehee. And I found my perfect mate for a very very reasonable price. Love it.

4. So many people got sick during the haze, including me. Uhuk uhuk. Who to blame? Ourselves? Our neighbour? Whatever be it, let's just be thankful for the haze is finally over. Alhamdulillah.

5. Another best friend of mine, King, is back in Malaysia and I still have no chance of meeting him, and he is amat depressed takde langsung orang nak layan die kat Mesia. Hehe. Sorry besfren, orang amat sangat bizi la.

I better go back to my office and solat Zuhur (it's almost 4 now) and finish my work. Huhu. The never ending workloads.

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