Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) has been used to increase milk production since biblical times. It contains phytoestrogens, which are plant chemicals similar to the female sex hormone estrogen. A key compound, diosgenin, has been shown experimentally to increase milk flow.
I'm giving the magic herb a try.
i can vouch that it works.maximum dose la.12 tabs :D.tp body smells funny
Alamak body will smell funny ke? I baca, among indicator that the herb is working is urine will smell of maple syrup. Benarkah?
marliza, it is not wrong to try..however, actually b4 u consumed any milk booster u should consult any LC, doctor, pharmacist or dietician..
it is also 'panas'..that will affect baby poopoo..but it all depends on body reflects..thats why consult 1st is the best..
just my 2cents
Thanks for the advice! Sebab itu I'm trying it perlahan-lahan. Tengok how my body (and my baby) respond to it.
dan jgn lupa update tentang kesannye yer. eh tapi kau kan penusu yg sakses? x cukup eh? huhu
Yatt: Penusu! Haha! Setakat ini cukup. Tapi ada sekali haritu dia minum berlebihan dari selalu so by the time aku balik, dia dah kebulur MIL had to give him Cerelac yang dicairkan. Tapi kini dah berjaya update stocks semula. Sajalah, kot-kot boleh jadi lagi melimpah ruah :D
Am, I found this..
cuba lah bace, aku saje2 search sbb teringin nak try after reading yr entry..then I found this..scary la plak rasa nak try..
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