Friday, March 11, 2011



The memory of Arwah Tok Wan (Picture Credit: My cousin Ayesha)

Arwah Tok Wan yang kejut solat Subuh dengan laungkan azan kat telinga sekuat-kuatnya. Yang tinggalkan nota atas radio berhabukku bertulis, ‘PLEASE CLEAN THIS UP’. Yang sentiasa segak dan wangi (he was always in shirts and long pants) lalu bila cucu busuk dan selekeh, mesti kena lecture. Yang akan tiba-tiba jerit nama cucu untuk disoal jawab fardhu ain/kifayah. Kadang-kadang ada philosophical questions sikit macam, “Dalam banyak-banyak benda kat dunia ni, apa yang bukan Allah cipta?” Philosophical lah for a 9 year old, sebab kena fikir mendalam sikit. Arwah Wan yang setiap kali hari raya akan ambil gambar close up cucu-cucu dia. Setiap tahun, without fail, he’d update the frames of cucu-cucu dia. Ini contohnya:

(Picture Credit: Ayesha) Let’s not cari yang mana yours truly, thank you very much.

Arwah Wan yang sekali dia tempik, berlari ketakutanlah cucu-cucu. Jangan sentuh radio lama Wan. Jangan masuk bilik mekanik Wan. Jangan switch on sendiri fan dalam kereta Wan. Jangan berani naik basikal tua Wan tanpa permission. Jangan makan minum dalam bilik, sit and eat properly at the dining table. Arwah Wan yang sentiasa makan guna fork and spoon. Arwah Wan yang suka kutip other people’s junks and turn them into useful stuffs. Arwah Wan the watch collector. Arwah Wan yang tulis diary every single day, in the neatest handwriting ever.

(Picture Credit: Ayesha) Antara cucu-cucu tersebut, the 1982 lots: (L) Zuwairi: Getting married in just few days (M) Married with a baby boy (R) Haziq: Married with a toddler.

Arwah Wan yang garangnya tak tahu nak cerita macam mana. Tapi Arwah Wan itulah yang semua cucu sayang sangat dan rindu sangat. I think in so many ways, he has shaped me into who I am today, and for that I am forever indebted to him. I miss you, Wan. Al-Fatihah.


Chech said...

Beautiful. The words, the photos, and the memory.

Oh, thank you for the link, too.
(It reminds me that I should not procrastinate with my own blog lists - some of the addresses, I've memorised).

Marliza Radzi said...

Thank you & you're welcome ;D

jemot said...

There is one person in my life yang mempunyai terlalu banyak persamaan dengan your Wan. My bapak mertua. Tarikh dia buatkan akikah/kenduri/etc untuk cucu cucu pun dia catatkan.

Marliza Radzi said...

Your children are so lucky to have such a person as their grandpa. I know I am :)

reena said...

Al Fatihah. Kak yanti muka macam ustazah masa kecik kecik. HEhe.

Marliza Radzi said...

Haha ustazah ada wajah spesifik ke?