It's an angel sent from God
Growing in my belly
Like a sweet pea in a pod!
- Melissa Hatcher
Is it normal to feel clumsy during pregnancy? Yes. Unfortunately, feeling graceful and dexterous isn't part of the pregnancy package. You'll probably feel clumsiest in the last trimester, but this feeling subsides after delivery. Clumsiness should come as no surprise if you consider what your body's going through: you're carrying more weight; your centre of gravity has changed with your growing uterus; your fingers, toes, and other joints are all loosening due to pregnancy hormones. You may even experience numbness and weakness in your arms as your posture changes.
Oh my Tuhan! That explains a lot! I am used to myself being cemerkap but I have been clumsy yang teramat sangat lately, even I can’t stand my own clumsiness.
Apparently, it has everything to do with the pregnancy!
I have lost count of how many pinggan dan cawan I broke. Or how many times my lengan or kaki or kepala bumped into something when I could have avoided them. Or how many times I almost trip tanpa sebab musabab. Or how many scarves and blouses I stained from the simplest tasks of makan dan minum. Or how many typos I tweeted. Ngeee.
It’s the pregnancy! Phew! Thank you, Baby Centre! For making me feel better I guess. Ngeh.
Look! I even stayed away from Arman, because I was afraid that I might break or drop him or something. Kah kah kah. No lah. I was selesema a bit, so it’s better for me not to infect the 8-days-old cutie pie or Aniz would putus sahabat dengan I. Ngeh.
So yeah, the question is, can I do anything to overcome this awkwardness? Sadly the answer is NO. Simply knowing that you're not as coordinated as usual helps. Watch out for wet, icy or uneven surfaces when walking and don't carry anything that you can't safely drop. And remember, clumsiness is only a temporary, pregnancy-related condition. (If you still feel clumsy after pregnancy, you can blame it on new baby fatigue but after that, well, you're on your own!)
You better be careful whenever you’re around me, people. Words of precaution: I am so tired from work today that I might break something later. Be afraid, be very afraid.
Hati hati ya!
beb, hati hati tau jalan kat tmpt licin dsb.
pecah cwn nanti mintak daud tlg bersihkan.
reena & ayin: baiklah :D
suruh je Daud buat semua.. ini lah masanya anda menggunakan kuasa wanita mengandung! hahahaha....
p/s: linda buat camtu la...
Zul: hahaha yalah tu :P
hati2 ye am... oh, btw, aniz dah bersalin ye? pasni u turn lak. huhuhu...
'calamity Am'..hehe.. ui jaga diri elok2 na..
hehe kiut far i takde plak episod mcm i ingat lagi masa my 1st trimester i was SO forgetful mcm goldfish gila..sedangkan im d type of person yg very alert and memory space besar punya..hehe i got really irritated wif d changes. nasib skang dah back to normal..hik
grenlina (ini gren ke lina ni): haah aniz dah bersalin alhamdulillah :)
ezany: ye ke? Thanks for the info!
Sharel: hahaha baiklah.
Newlifenewbeginning: ngeee. Sebab I memang jenis cemerkap to begin with, tapi sekarang makin menjadi lak. Heh.
Am cemerkap, akak plk masa pregnant for 3 kids,mudah terperanjat even benda yg kecik2.selalu kena tegur dgn hubby sbb dia pun akan terperanjat sama bila akak sigh dgn kuat..kucing tepi jalan pun akak terperanjat walhal kucing tu tak nak melintas punn.. tak pasal2 kita menjerit n tak pasal2 hubby brek tiba2...hihih...banyak pesen masa preggy nih..better hati2 yerr..
Hairuza: haha macam2 kan? Thank you, will try to berhati2.
i pun clumsy too. tp kwn sy ada ckp, kdg2 clumsy tu membuatkn kt menarik:) tp sy rs tak jujur la kata2 tu, tp klau betul tak apela. Apa2 pun kena berhati2 lbh2 dr org lain, sbb jenis org yg clumsy ni klau berhati2 pun ttp tak jln jugak:p haha! jgn terasa tau, sy maksudkn diri sy:) sukala ngan bj pregnt marliza:)simple (haha, tetiba je bab ni:)
menambhkn pening marliza je bl bc komen sy yg atas tu. ngantuk2 td dan sy mksudkan clumsy sy tu 'kelam kabut'.. hahaha!br tersedar:) nasib baik xde BI julai:p
Hahaha comellah awak ni, karamah!
Hello Marliza,
I've been a silent reader of ur blog for quite some time. Tetiba hari ni terbuka hati nak tinggal komen..cewah :D
I just wanna say that u look extremely cantik manis during ur pregnancy. N i noticed u dress up cantik2 masa pregnant nih. Ada kaitan dgn pregnancy hormon kah ?:D
I wish u all the best (in pregnancy and other things in ur life as well). I adore ur writing, comel, witty and padat with isi. So, keep it up dear :)
thank you, Su! Hehehe :)
Am dearie...
dun wori i always think clum is cute!!! (i think daud thinks the same way about u? haha!)
just take care,ya!!
eh, i just noticed myself being clumsy! typo error specially!
simple spelling pun bole je nak salah 2/3kali... heheheee...
haniz: kah kah kalau tak membahayakan dan comel ala Susan Mayer, takpelah juga!
coffeeaddicts: hahaha kaaaaaaaaan?
hati2 am..
mase pantang nanti pun, be more careful.. nyway, moga selamat lahirkan baby nanti ye..
fiezaradzi: terima kasih (lambat lagi :P)
silalah berhati2 ye. bila keluar jln2 tu, pegang la lengan hubby for support :)
especially in the final trimester bila perut makin berat. hehe.. (talking based on personal experience).
terima kasih atas nasihat :)
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