get some legal advice.” - Franklin P. Jones
Three years ago on this date, I was called to the Bar as an advocate and solicitor. Lalu hari ini genaplah tiga tahun saya menjadi seorang peguam. Sekejap betullah masa berlalu. Rasa baru saja zaman belajar di Sekolah Undang-Undang. Terkedek sana-sini dengan hidung berhingus (sebab kelas selalu sejuk) dan Farah Hanani (we were a pair of belangkas back then).
Masa belajar dulu, susahnya rasa certain subjects especially subjects yang diajar oleh lecturers yang tak ada field experience. Adik-adik, memang lain betullah teori dan praktikal. If you think you can never be a lawyer sebab tak dapat grasp the theory you learn in Law school, my advice to you, just give it a try. Practicing law and reading the law are two very different things and of course, the former lebih terlalu menarik.
But contrary to popular belief, ours is not a glamorous profession. Tidak sama sekali. I was first introduced to this reality back when I was a young law student doing attachment with a small law firm in KL.
Kami sedang menunggu berjam di Court for our case to be called and the lady lawyer told me, “Marliza, what we do is not glamorous at all. This is what we do. We wait the whole day. And then we go in and got scold. Nothing glamorous about that.” And she was right.
Semua orang disogok dengan imej peguam yang pakai designer suits dengan kereta menjalar dan rumah tersergam megah when in reality, only a few have managed to attain that. Kalau peguam kecil-kecilan hingusan seperti saya, pakai baju lusuh dan tinggal di rumah sewa saja tau! Nothing glamorous about that at all, but it’s my life and I love it!
Imej selingan: Wajah rumah (sewaan) baru kami (yang tidak glamorous langsung, if I must add), tempat cinta kami dibaja setiap hari (pergh!)

Living Hall, where we spend most of our times watching TV, reading and what not. Yes, that leather 3+2 seaters are new. Suka suka suka.

Dining Hall, yang mana mejanya hanya diguna once in a blue moon sebab most of the time, we have our meals di depan TV. Kah kah. Dasar hantu TV.

Merata-rata kami cari wall mirrors yang suit our taste and budget.
Sambung (ngeh!) I have to say that sepanjang 3 tahun ini, my relationship with the career path that I chose have definitely been a love-hate kind. I have had days when I enjoy the thrill and adrenaline and yada yada yada but I definitely also have had days when I just want to leave this all behind.
Normallah, kan? Most people are like that kan when it comes to their careers. Only a few lucky ones yang boleh cakap they really love their jobs every single day of their lives. And I envy them for that.
But above it all, I am thankful to Allah for this path that He has chosen for me. For the opportunity dan kemudahan yang Dia berikan. Untuk pendapatan yang walaupun tidaklah banyak sangat, cukuplah untuk hidup dengan selesa dan bahagia. For all the people I have met along the way, yang telah berikan tunjuk ajar dan pengalaman, biarpun baik ataupun buruk. Alhamdulillah untuk tiga tahun yang bermakna ini.
Being a lawyer sucks now and then, but what the heck.
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