Thursday, July 09, 2009

"A book is a gift you can open and open again" - Garrison Keiller

Antara sebab saya suka buku dari Pay Less Book atau mana-mana buku sewa, selain kerana harganya jauh lebih murah, ialah kerana buku-buku itu seakan ada sejarah sendiri. They were once loved by someone. Seseorang mungkin pernah beri buku itu untuk anak perempuannya sebagai hadiah hari lahir. Seseorang mungkin pernah baca buku itu berulang kali kerana terlalu suka. Seseorang mungkin named after watak kegemaran bapanya di dalam buku itu. Penuh sejarah sendiri. Layak tulis autobiografi Aku Sebuah Buku macam kita buat masa darjah enam dulu.

Lagi saya suka kalau jumpa buku yang ada inscription di dalamnya. To my little brother on your birthday. To my best friend in the whole wide world; hope you’ll enjoy the book as much as I do. To my darling wife; I will always love you with every beat of my heart.

The Last Lecture yang ada inscription saya untuk sahabat saya, Izyan.

Macam dalam filem Definitely, Maybe yang comel itu. Masa awal-awal watak Ryan Reynolds (yang hotness itu, if I may add), Will dan watak Isla Fisher, April berkenalan, Will saw that April has several dozen copies of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë. Rupanya sebab when she was little, her father gave her a copy of the book with a beautiful inscription in it, but somehow she lost the book. So, every time she finds an inscribed copy of the book, she buys it. Long story short, Will found the book. April’s copy, the one with the beautiful inscription by her (now deceased) father, taken from the poem ‘Evening Solace’ by Charlotte Brontë, which reads:

“The human heart has hidden treasures, in secret kept, in silence sealed; The thoughts, the hopes, the dreams, the pleasures, whose charms were broken if revealed” Aaaah sungguh indah. Comel comel comel. Rasa nak cubit penulis skrip sebab comel sangat.

Saya baru sedar bahawa kebanyakan filem romantis yang saya suka ada kaitan dengan buku atau penulisan. Selain Definitely Maybe, saya sangat suka The Notebook. Apa kaitan The Notebook dengan penulisan? Pertama, it is based on the novel by Nicholas Sparks, and although I didn’t really enjoy the book, the movie was really good!

(I think that Mr. Sparks’ writings are far too jiwang, even for my standard, with exception for The Wedding, which is one of my favourite book ever)

Keduanya, antara yang saya paling suka tentang watak Ryan Gosling (yang juga hot, if I may add), Noah ialah kerana walaupun dia lelaki gagah perkasa yang pergi berperang dan boleh membina sebuah rumah tanpa bantuan, dia suka menulis. Dia tulis surat cinta kepada Allie sepanjang mereka terpisah. Dia tulis diari kisah cinta mereka dan bacakan semula kepada Allie bila Allie sudah tua dan nyanyuk. Too cute, bukankah?

Noah wrote: "I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough." Aaaah to love with heart and soul. Suka!

Satu lagi ialah Serendipity. Tak perlulah nak ulang banyak-banyak kali betapa saya suka filem ini. Saya perlu highlight bahawa saya sangat suka the fact that sebuah buku yang menemukan mereka semula.

Buku Love in the Time of Cholera, yang Oprah telah berulang-kali suruh saya baca. Buku yang ada nombor telefon watak Kate Beckinsale, Sara. Sara kata, if they are meant to be together, they will find their way back into one another's life. Buku yang bertahun-tahun dicari oleh watak John Cusack, Jonathan. Yang akhirnya ditemui selepas dihadiahkan oleh tunangnya sebagai wedding gift. How strange fate is. Penulis skrip filem itu, Encik Marc Klein wajib dicubit di atas kecomelan skrip beliau. Geram.

Nantilah saya fikir lagi siapa lagi yang wajib dicubit dan saya cerita lagi.

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