Monday, October 01, 2007

Bintang-bintang di malam cerah beri cahaya
Tak menghalang menyinari segala

Negative energy is all around me, be it in the form of irritating colleagues yang kacau aku sedangkan aku tak kacau mereka, impatient drivers yang hobinya menggunakan hon sesuka hati, demanding portfolios/clients, etc.

But I vow to myself to not let these negative energy get to me. They undoubtedly kadangkala menggangguku, but the existence of positive energy in many forms are enough to sustain the optimist in me, e.g.:

(a) Cheerful phone calls from the Sweetheart, cheering me up;

(b) A Judge who always seems to be in good spirit, he exudes charm and optimism. I wonder how he remains that positive, being in his profession;

(c) Watching Ari and Vince and Co on Entourage;

(d) (Of course), planning our wedding. Ngeee;

(e) Bertemu Ibu setiap kali pulang dari kerja, berbual-bual, menonton, berbuka. Spending time with my mom is my favorite thing to do;

(f) Pulang menziarah MakTok, di mana kesemua anak-anak dan almost kesemua cucu-cucu MakTok turut pulang, berbuka bersama, bersolat jemaah bersama, berterawikh bersama, dan seterusnya supper dan sahur bersama. Perasaan yang indah sekali;

(g) And (of course), hanging out with my girlfriends!

(A) First iftar di luar was at Amarin Heavenly Thai, where (the ever generous) Su belanja-ed us, as it was Kano’s birthday.

Kanoku who turned 26!

(B) On Saturday, my Srikandi959 sisters and I berbuka di Restoran Tupai-Tupai and had a great time!

[Picture courtesy of YATT] Bilangan yang hadir kurang dari previous year tetapi kemeriahannya tetap sama.

Widad dan Ayuni mengkespresikan kasih sayang terhadapku. Ngeee!

[Picture courtesy of YATT] Untuk pulang, seperti ber-jungle trekking.

(C) The highlight of the week was iftar with my beloved girls at one of my favourite restaurants, Seoul Bulgogi.
A wonderful time indeed :)

My girls (sorry Naem muka tak full), missing dearest Far.

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