Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Le sens commun n'est pas si commun

Sound practical judgment that is independent of specialized knowledge, training, or the like; normal native intelligence.

Source: Dictionary.com

As of/for today, MY definition of COMMON SENSE is:

(1) Pay your debt without having to be reminded. Malu tau nak mintak hutang. Tapi jangan pulak macam Kano; dia asyik ingat dia ada hutang dengan aku. Tahap tak faham aku. Kano! Kano takde hutang AM!!

(2) When you are merely a chambee, kuli atau junior lawyer (like yours truly), you don’t have the luxury of retaliating apabila ditegur/dimarahi oleh boss anda. Suck it up. You are not there yet.

(3) Jangan mengomel mengenai boss/colleague kepada orang yang tidak boleh dipercayai. Don’t you know that gossip travels faster than light?

(4) Refer no. (3); ‘orang yang tidak boleh dipercayai’ adalah terutamanya CNN Bergerak. Every office must have at least 1 of them. Kan?

(5) Jangan berhentikan kenderaan di atas garisan kuning. Menyusahkan orang. Dan jika ada drivers yang memilih untuk tidak bergerak kerana tidak mahu berhenti di atas garisan kuning, please DO NOT honk. Jika mahu jadi bodoh, bodohlah sorang2.

(6) Bila menipu, remember your facts well. Do not get caught.

(7) Flush!!!! Eeeew, okay?!

(8) Lipatlah sejadah tu selepas digunakan. Haa kan kemas tu.

(9) Dear clients, please do not call within 1-2 p.m. I need my lunch break. You have the rest 8 hours to bother me.

(10) When someone holds the door/lift for you, say “Thank you”. You are not a princess, you know?

(11) When someone gives way to your car, angkatlah tangan (“Bukan kena bayar pun kalau angkat tangan!”) Sejuk hati.

(12) If a professional photographer costs RM700-800, redhalah. Although you love, love, love their works, remind yourself “Saya bukan anak Dato”.

Sekian sahaja. Bertemu lagi di lain hari untuk definisi COMMON SENSE yang sememangnya seluas langit tanpa hujung.

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