Thursday, June 07, 2012

What you do makes a difference, and you have to decide what kind of difference you want to make.” ― Jane Goodall

Inspiration comes in many forms. Like how reading Jeffrey Archer’s 'And Thereby Hangs A Tale' this morning inspires me to start writing short stories. Or maybe start drafting albeit only my head. Or maybe plot a clever robbery like the couple in Stuck On You (kidding).

And how Miss Sasha’s ever so awesome crafts inspires me to start a scrap book for Hadi. Have you seen her work? Mad talent. Mad, crazy awesome talent.

And how watching Machine Gun Preacher and finding out Sam Childers is real and a real life superhero at that makes me rethink my purpose in this world and although I may not be brave enough to fight for the children of Sudan, I realized I should contribute more to the society at large.

And how the husband’s newfound passion for extreme physical training inspires me to start working out, although I don’t think this will happen anytime soon, lazy bum I am, yawn.

And how Dr. Muhaya’s talk inspires me to be a better mother although sometimes when I’m too tired and restless I tend to forget all about that. Sorry Mama ain’t a supermom, Hadi.

And how Miss Hana Kirana’s hunger for good books (among others) made me pick up books again and forced myself to find time to read, to stop watching TV and read more. Not just Hot magazines which I read every month and still do (guilty, sorry, Dr. Muhaya) but real books. I did that and am so glad that I found renewed love in reading.

And how watching Kristen Stewart sucking big time playing Snow White in Snow White & The Huntsman makes me wanna strive to be better at what I do. I mean, have you seen her? She’s this mega superstar actor but looks like she was constipating throughout the whole movie. What’s up with that? I hope I am better lawyer (and diaper cake maker etc etc) than she is an actor.

And how inspires me to update this petty blog of mine more frequently although mine is far less interesting I know, but hey, practice makes perfect, or so they say. Have you read her blog? You should, especially if you're a mom. I cannot praise her writings enough but that is one madly talented blogger. You'll love her, I promise.

And how Eleanor Roosevel inspires everyone to “Do one thing everyday that scares you” and although I haven’t done anything scary today, I aspire to (a) appear in a Court of Appeal hearing before all those scary learned judges; (b) travel abroad with my super active toddler (shivers); or (c) maybe, just maybe, attempt bungee jump. OK I said maybe!

[Image Source: We Heart It, but pfffttt, edited by me]

So yeah, if you’re awesome, continue being awesome, because you might just inspire someone today. Or if you’re not, like Kristen Stewart, you might inspire in your own way too. Hah. Your choice. But keep on inspiring me with your awesomeness, will you?

Sugar, spice and everything nice; Marliza Radzi.


Chech said...

You inspire me to write a new post for my blog today :D. Keep calm and continue be awesome!

hanakirana said...

Ooohhh! I'm inspired to read more and more (good) books by awesome people on Goodreads!

And your creative works inspired me to begin my very own little projects when I'm back in Malaysia. :) Let's influence each other with positive vibe energy!

Well, being mentioned here, I am humbled. Enough said. :')

Still Ida said...

Yep, Kirsten Stewart sucks big time! Her facial expression as a Snow White is no different than her other characters.

Btw, keep writing more coz i'd like to read more :)

Almiraz said...

Hi I'm new to your blog, baru tau pasal u...(so noob) introduced by my friends Still Ida and Izyahya. I'm gonna start to read all of your posts today (kira nak khatam la ni)...hehe..

Yep, you've said it, inspiration comes in many forms. When we are inspired by something, we will try to make something ourselves. And I think, the person/people who inspire others should feel proud, not feel that people wants to copy his/her creations...just my take on this....

Marliza Radzi said...

Chech: Love your entry (as always)!

Hana: Can't wait to hear all about your new project!

Still Ida: Kan! Sama je muka dia each scenes. Haha.

Almiraz: Yes, but I guess there's a fine line between menjadikan inspirasi & menjadi copycat. Hehehe.

AyinEmran said...

Sila tulis short stories! Nak beli!

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