Friday, December 16, 2011

A blog is merely a tool that lets you do anything from change the world to share your shopping list.” – Author Unknown.

On my mind today, regarding other people’s blogs:

(1) I’ve been reading this minah salleh’s blog lately (she’s a famous Aussie writer apparently); she has no qualms about calling her husband asshole, albeit jokingly, repeatedly in almost every entries regarding him. It’s cute sometimes, because she writes with this adorable sarcastic wit but most of the time I’m like, “Easy there, woman. Doesn’t he read your blog? Worse, don’t his friends and family?” I mean, yeah, you get what I mean.

(2) That JilakaBetul blog administrator has been making some seriously easy money. The blog has no content, except some random stupid (and I admit, sometimes funny) photos of stupid Malaysian teens (mostly teens lah) that he copies elsewhere. Aku gelak juga kadang-kadang sebab komentar dia kadang-kadang lawak but I can’t help but fret, what kind of Malaysia am I raising Hadi in? Merepek meraban masyarakat sekeliling. Nauzubillah. Seriously scary.

(3) I’m still in love with the family from DearBabyBlog; I mean how can you not love them? They’re seriously good looking and happy people. I love happy people. The mom’s really pretty and fashion savvy in a hippies cool chic kinda way and writes really well, I mean reaaaaaaaaaaaaally well. The dad is a rock star stay at home dad. And the big sister Everly and little brother Arlo are just the definition of adorable. Love love.

(4) I just found out that one of my favourite bloggers copied some of her entries from few other different blogs and it crushed me, I love her writings! It seems that she has apologized and said she did that due to, I can’t remember her exact words, but something like the pressure of blogging? People’s expectation or something like that? Aku rasa, blogging is just an outlet, you don’t have to take it too seriously kot, unless you’re really cashing on it, then yes. Otherwise, chill lah. Tak perlu sampai pressure sangat. Nak sangat pressure, come be a litigator.

(5) And just to end the entry with something nice for you to stalk on your weekends, here is one of my current favourite blogs:
You Are My Fave! Silalah jenguk if you, like me, love everything pretty, adorable, gorgeous, nice and ____________ (insert any positive adjective you can think of). You Are My Fave is my fave! Have a happy weekend, happy people!


reena said...

Ok nak tau sapa no 4 ja. Sekian terima kasih bye!

Faizal Rosly said...

hai akak marliza radzi . tiba-tiba je saya datang nak bergosip dan mengumpat pasal no 4 juga

Marliza Radzi said...

Woooo @ijaicool in the house?!

Adik Reena & Adik Faizal, biarlah rahsia. If you follow her, you'd know because she apologized openly. Obviously you don't jadi maksudnya you guys tak minat kot. Hehehe.

Anonymous said...

grhomeschooling blog pon best juga. sekadar berkongsi :P

Chech said...

I'm hooked to and :). Love your recommendations!

Marliza Radzi said...

Thanks guys! Will check them out ;)

Rin said...

"Tak perlu sampai pressure sangat. Nak sangat pressure, come be a litigator."

Kannn! Saya suka blogging sbb ia bukan kewajipan. Eh tetiba buat pengakuan kat sini.

Moose said...

on #4 - when she confessed, i think i was having the shock of my life because i adore her writing & the wisdom that she put in it.

sekali rupa-rupanya...

Marliza Radzi said...

Arin: Benar!

Moose: Adakah orang yang sama? ;)