Aaah the very first date. First dates are nerve wrecking, to say the least. Choosing clothes to wear and matching them with scarves and shoes, over analyzing on what should you talk about and where you should go to, trying to look your best the best way you know how. Hah such pressure! But I think the pressure is more on guys because girls will usually scrutinize every details; does he smell nice, does he pull the chair for her, does he pick her up on time, does he pay for everything and should it be awkward if you decide to go dutch, so on and so forth.
At the risk of sounding like mengampu suami, hehehe, I must say that my first date with him is my idea of a perfect first date. I’m not talking about the first time we went out for mihun sup as friends (I was seeing somebody else ketika itu hehehe). But I remember him opening the car door for me. And later chasing away a dog yang cuba datang dekat. Yeah that was fun, but I am referring to the first time we went on a real date, and it was an awesome one.
Nothing fancy, really. No candlelight dinner at restoran berputar followed by tasteful theater show, not that kind of awesome. He picked me up, we talked and laughed in the car. Went to Jusco Bukit Raja and watched Shaolin Soccer yang kelakar nak mati, sampai sekarang rasa kelakar. Had sizzling mee lunch at the food court (we were students lah!) Talked and laughed over glasses of drinks and decided we needed another movie so we watched Meet the Fockers. Had a good slapstick laugh. Come nighttime, we went to this one place in Bukit Raja for dinner and talked and laughed some more. Then he sent me home, right to my very doorstep.
Yes, that kind of awesome. The kind that gives you chance to get to know each other over good conversations and healthy dose of laughter. The kind yang terpetri dalam otak, to the point that I can still remember that he was wearing his black Padini shirt and I was wearing my brown ruffled blouse. The kind that when the date is over, you realize that, “Eh, I can’t wait to go out and talk and laugh with him again. I can do this everyday!”

So yes Hubby, our first date is my idea of the perfect first date. And I pray that we’ll get to enjoy thousands more dates for the rest of our lives. Now that I'm done mengampu, can you please buy me that Coach Kristin Hobo for my birthday? Kidding. Not.
First date korang ala2 kitorang. Hihi. Diorang berpakat eih? Hihi ;D
Tahula diorang housemates dan kita schoolmates. Eih? ;)
Awwh. Comel! Shaolin Soccer adalah kelakar! Byk nya movie best, musim apa korang dating ni? Summer eh.
Caption gambaq tu tak tahan! LOL.
Wahida: Hahaha the Horsemen!
Ayin: Aku date kat Malaysia je, jadi tak pasti musim apa. Hahaha.
Reena: Gambar 6 or 7 tahun lepas kot :P
Gembira dengar cerita yang gembira. Masih ingat lagi zaman2 duduk serumah, masing-masing excited melihat rakan-rakan bersiap untuk keluar dating. :)
Naem: Best kan kan kan! Excited gila bila ada sorang nak keluar date, siap melangut tengok orang bersiap. Haha. Hey you newly married woman, how's married life treating you? ;D
Am talking about your dating days...remember tak whn your parents came & visit at the faculty, it was just before friday prayers...he confidently say bye2 t your parents
Jas, both of us cannot recall apakah. Haha.
ok I have to make it obvious now. your dad nak gi friday prayers and daud just lambai at him & continued doing his work @ laptop (obviously not planning to go for friday prayers). You came to the window (Hons. class) & sd something like he just made a bad impression. I remember this as I was laughing like mad after that.
This is weet am!!! :)
Jas: Daud ada defence tapi panjang sangat nak tulis. Hahaha.
Acai: Thanks :)
Ceh what defence dia ada. After you pass the comment at him I remember he keep on asking me how to justify himself. But it was more fun to laugh at him...hehe.
Hahaha nanti I bagitau dia ;D
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