I have learned that the 28th day of every month makes me happy - gaji day! I have learned that I am able to update my blog every single day! I have learned that if I keep telling my husband how I want something so badly, he might go out his way and get me just that - Ahah! I have learned that my baby never fails to amaze me with his newfound antics every single day - even him standing unsupported for good few seconds make me happy! I have learned that it costs a lot to own properties and all that could be destroyed in just a blink of an eye, so why bother actually? Because we must "Work in this life as if we'll live forever!"
On a more serious note, in light of the recent Japan tragedy, I have learned to never take this life for granted and to appreciate every single breath Allah has allowed me to take. I have learned to be grateful for my family. I have learned that my husband and baby are merely loan from the Almighty and I should savor every single minute I have with them. I have learned to always be thankful to Allah, for every wish He granted, for every unanswered prayer, for every shattered dreams and for every blessings bestowed, for I have learned that He knows best.
I have learned that the 28th day of every month makes me happy - gaji day! I have learned that I am able to update my blog every single day! I have learned that if I keep telling my husband how I want something so badly, he might go out his way and get me just that - Ahah! I have learned that my baby never fails to amaze me with his newfound antics every single day - even him standing unsupported for good few seconds make me happy! I have learned that it costs a lot to own properties and all that could be destroyed in just a blink of an eye, so why bother actually? Because we must "Work in this life as if we'll live forever!"
Picture from Weheartit.com
saya rasa, this quote "Work in this life as if we'll live forever!" was not from prophet, it was umar abd aziz quote...and sebenarnya dia qoute, bekerjalah seakan2 kamu akan hidup "1000 tahun". bukan "selama2nya". sebab everybody will die...(kullu nafsin zaaiqatul maut)~ setiap yang hidup pasti akan mati (al-baqarah)
Thanks! Always thought (dan baca everywhere too) that it's from Rasulullah.
Mohon copy gambar dlm entry ni. More reason to be thankful :) Alhamdulillah.
Bukan saya punya. Silalah :D
wow i love d quotes, can i share dlm fb?!! hehe
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