“One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important. “ - Bertrand Russell
10 random things about the stressed out woman who is typing this good for nothing entry:
(1) I have a trial, an appeal and a mediation proceeding, all in the course of two days, to attend to on solo basis. That is on top of submission, witness statements and summonses, all marked urgent. Pfftt. So tell me, sweet thing, how can I not feel stressed out?
(2) Oh and I just found out, some lawyers half my years of experience who are practising in other firms, are earning as much as I do, and they’re getting allowances on top of that. So tell me, sweet thing, should I feel more stressed out now?

(3) Although I am turning the big 3-0 next year and have a kid of my own, I still sorely miss my parents sometimes and long to be close to them. Hey, I’m sure you do too!
(4) Sometimes the things around us can be so overwhelming that I feel like packing our bags and boarding the next flight somewhere further away. Maybe I should persuade Hubby and move to Australia so that Hadi can cook as good as the Junior Masterchefs. Haha. To Lismore next to Chika, perhaps? But can I do without malls? Chika has proven that she can. Hehe.
(5) I desperately want a helper. It’s not that I’m so malas ke apa, but I think a helper will definitely improve my quality of life. Like Ana suggested, I want a cleaner who comes clean my place on weekly basis. Sure I can stay up or wake up earlier to do all the mopping and toilet scrubbing and vacuuming, but senang cakap, I too get tired sometimes. Boleh? Boleh.
(6) I’d like to think of myself not as a lawyer who happens to be a wife and a mother of a kid. I think of myself as a wife and mother who, for the love of money and baby clothes and cute handbags and good expensive foods, had to work as a lawyer. But yes, I do get tired sometimes.
(7) I am excited for the latest season of Desperate Housewives to air as Wilhemina Slater is joining the casts! I am also hoping that I’ll get to watch Lat the Kampung Boy Musical! I think Awie is gonna be a hilarious, adorable Lat. And Atilia, I have watched her on P. Ramlee the Musical before, and I so loved her sweet persona and lovely, lovely voice.
(8) I think I know what I want for my birthday, which is coming up next month. A nice weekend in KL. The simple things I love; staying at my parents’, strolling around in KL malls, shopping, eating good foods, indulging in red velvet cakes and other sinful desserts, and yes, I wanna watch the Lat musical. Big time punya hint, harapnya sampai ke pihak berkenaan. Haha.
(9) I am too lazy to do a proper January Favourites so I'm just gonna list them out here. Favourite Artist: Bruno Mars. Favourite 30 Minutes Comedy: Gary Unmarried. Favourite TV Show: Junior Masterchef. Favourite Pairings: Yuna and Qi. Oh you don’t know about them? They apparently are “kawan rapat”, and you know what that means.
(10) I am tempted to give Olay range a try. Yes I know I won’t ever look as good as Vivy does (darn it!) but I’m easily influenced like that. Haha. The problem is, I don’t know which range to choose from because I’m not quite sure what my skin problem is. Basically I want to look radiant and healthier with more glows and less kusam. Oh I need susuk for that?! Damn.
How now brown cow? (Who is this brown cow anyway?)
Kat sini ramai sgt cleaner on hourly basis. Kadang-kadang Zul panggil jugak, untuk tolong aku kemas rumah. Sekali macam bayar RM50 je. Try la google kot-kot ada kat JB.
Oh rupanya aku bukak on Zul punya akaun. Ini adalah aku, ayinemran. Haha.
Ayin: Itulah aku heran siapa cubatrytest. Haha. Lazatnya. Nak cleaner juga nak nak nak.
Lat the Musical! Tak sabaq nak tengok jugak. Hopefully dpt tgk nanti. And for Olay, again, i vote for Total Effects :p
Reena: Itulah, rasa nak try Total Effect.
point no 6 adalah sama aku pun rasa seperti itu kecuali aku bukan mother lagi.
kat sini ada junior lawyer yg earn even MORE than i do, okkkk. huk.
p/s: kat KL pun ada yg sekali kemas bayar RM50 jek. Tapi belum pernah cuba. Mungkin nanti akan diperlukan jugak.
Yatt: Semoga kita sama-sama dapat naik gaji nanti :P
stress bila kena prepare Bundle Record of Appeal...hehehe
Kak Lin: Itu memang stressful. Tapi lagi stress kalau kena pergi hearing of appeal ;)
point no.2: Ada engineer baru masuk kerja, her salary sama cam kami yg dah 2tahun kerja kat sini. Pfftt. Serius, bengang.
point no.2: gaji cikgu yg dah berkhidmat selama 14 tahun sama byk dgn gaji cikgu yg baru 3 tahun berkhidmat...dorang bengang tak eh dgn kami cikgu DG41? hihi...wat to do kan, rezeki kami...alhamdulillah
You know what's funny. I've always thought you're a doctor instead of a lawyer..haha. :) Love marliza radzi!
Amy: Geram kan!
Ayu: Good for you :)
Hana: That's funny because FYI, I almost failed Chem & barely pass Bio. Haha.
cubatrybest? lawak ayin
well, i'm not married. don't have any kid (yet). and i'm not even a lawyer. just an underpaid programmer! life - who said it was easy?
p/s: lama x borak beb, bile korang (u n ayin)nk trn ktn? :D
tgh down tahap kritikal ni smpi kan entri Am pun tak berkesan sgt. sebut2 plak Australia lagi rasa nak lari jer.tumpang duduk dlm bagasi anda lah kalo2 nak pegi Australia nnti..hahahaha... (gelak takde perasaan)
anyway, statemnt memerlukan susuk tu klakar comel..
Yunik: Aku underpaid lawyer. We're in the same boat! Haha.
Arin: Sorrylah, orang down baca entry orang down memanglah lagi down. Gi makan aiskrim cepat! Hehe.
Item 10) Olay Total Effect works wonders for me.
Item 2) Please apply a job at my office. We desperately need a hot malay lawyer over here!
As Salam marliza
I've been following ur twitter n instagram. Dh lama duk reply ur twit...and I then i realized my twitter is private, no wonder u never get my reply...
Btw if u want to move oversea selain menjadi neighbor chika, u can move next to me in Perth too :)
my twitter mummyadrian
I believe when you read it those in different tone (mood), you'll find them hilarious instead of some stressful stuffs.
Stress can be hilarious, sometimes. But not at the same time.
tina guna total effects! (:
Farah: Added! :D
Ahsuez: True.
Tina: Mahu cuba juga!
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