Tiba-tiba bila sampai di Imigresen Malaysia, suami aku dan suami Wahida menjadi pantas, mungkin terkesan dengan manusia sekeliling yang terpaksa berlari-lari bimbang kena tinggal bas lompat. Rasa macam Amazing Race. And it got me thinking, kalau Amazing Race, susahnya sebab ada babies! Wahida kata, “Kalau baby poop, dah habis buang masa!” Aku kata balik, “Senang nak sabotaj team lawan. Feed mangoes to their babies!”
Ya, percutian di Singapura kali ini seperti Amazing Race. Personally, I prefer laid back, bawa kereta sendiri, free and easy kind of holiday. But any holiday is good holiday so yeah, thank you Allah, for the two days of fun in the rain.
Ya, fun in the rain sebab dari pergi hinggalah pulang, langit menangis T____T
Universal Studios Singapore (yes Ayinku sayang, that’s what USS stands for) in one word: SUPER COOL! Wait that’s two words. OK make it: SUPERCOOL! Ngeh. But too bad it rained almost the whole time we were there. Sangat sukar. Industri raincoats dan payung di USS untung besar pada hari itu. Yes, they sell raincoats for SGD2 per piece and payung besar berharga SGD26.90.
Ada lah beberapa ketika langit decided to take a break from all the crying and sniffing and what not; so the husbands dapatlah naik a couple of rides. Pathetic lah, datang bayar mahal but didn’t get to fully explore and enjoy USS. Tapi nak kata apa, hujan kan rahmat Tuhan T____T
But it is not Muslim/baby-friendly. Mungkin aku yang tak jumpa the prayer and baby room, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong tau, but as far as I know, there is no proper musalla with proper ablution area and no proper baby room; only changing tables in every single toilets, so tell me, where am I supposed to breastfeed my baby? Pfftt. Jusco Bukit Indah – 1. USS – 0.
Hey what’s with the negative reviews?! You wanna get yourself sued, is it? Ngeee. Layan gambar jom! (So yeah, this is gonna be a long one. When is my entry ever pendek? Heh)

[The little one was wearing (Kah kah bajet fashion blog?): Children's Place]

The baby pooped while we were enjoying Shrek 4D then he jerit-jerit, asking me to change him so I had to keluar earlier to avoid disturbing others. Oh I sat beside Nora Danish and her entourage. She’s too adorable OK, she made me feel so tua, gemuk dan kusam)

Now to the second day! (Yes, the day Makcik First came into our lives) Started with breakfast in Geylang. And yes, it too was a rainy day. Sedih betullah langit!
[The little one was wearing: Ralph Lauren]

Makcik First then brought us to Vivo City mall, but I didn't buy anything because I thought we were going to go to Orchard later tapi masa tak cukup dan hujan buat semua orang penat, so Orchard plan was cancelled. Selamat duit aku. Kemudian tentulah buat lawatan wajib ke Merlion Park dan ambil gambar-gambar klise yang wajib. Kih kih.
Baiklah sudah malas. Biasalah memang suka end entry abruptly bila dah malas. This entry took me quite sometime to draft sebab banyak interval seperti bayi poop, bayi mahu menyusu, bayi mahu tidur, keluarkan bahan masakan dari fridge, sidai baju dan pelbagai lagi. Pheww lega dah siap (lega kenapa? OCD tak habis-habis) Ia memang percutian penuh hujan. Tapi juga gembira. So yeah, I'm gonna use Hadi's face to sum it up in one big fat grin:
More pictures are HERE!
I saw my boss. Heh.
Amboi Hadi. Frust ok budak baju hijau tu. Hhaha.
cute giller khayra jegil kat Hadi. wondering muka hadi macam mana? adakah jegil juga?
Reena: Kip ya? Hehehe. Kami satu batch asalnya ;D
Tim: Hadi jegil penuh curiousity :D
marliza, i read review, they said dkt entrance USS ade baby's room & prayer room
Takde baby/prayer room tapi ada space for prayer lah. Kena gi toilet amek wudhu.
Rindu Hadi! :D
Hazri mahu pergi lagi USS sebab tak puas hati - hari hujan so tak dapat explore sangat & naik rides! Jom buat lawatan kembali next time! Ngee :P
cantikla baju hitam yg marliza pakai. baju apa tu?
sweet sangat tgk u n hubby n baby :)
Wahida: Wajib pergi lagi!
Tirah: It's from Zona, one of the brands Metrojaya carries :)
Haha baru nak tanya pasal baju hitam kau yg cun tu. Dah ada org tanya. Suka laa! Zona ada kat Pelangi je?
(tetiba tanya pasal baju). Oh, gambar hadi menyengih tu boleh print besar sbb mcm posterable. Cun!
We are definitely going!
Next year. No. Next next year. Er.. Sponsorship, please!
oooo x de prayer room.urmmmm
Ayin: Haha baju hitam simple jelah. Zona ada kat MJ mana-mana kot. Suka baju-baju dia.
Ahsuez: We're definitely going again ;D
hadi kira behave tgk jer muka khayra yg cute..klu wijdan..ngaaapp terus si khayra.khayra pun dah takooottt...hensem budak kecik hadi ni....
Wijdan dah besar, lagi terer ;D
The same problem that we faced when we were in Sentosa Island before - xde prayer room. Had to cut the trip short sbb dah malas nak pegi balik bile dah keluar utk solat kat Masjid dpn VivoCity. Menyampah sbb no prayer rooms at those places kan. N abt USS, jealous tgk, nnt nak pegi jugaklah.
The same problem that we faced when we were in Sentosa Island before - xde prayer room. Had to cut the trip short sbb dah malas nak pegi balik bile dah keluar utk solat kat Masjid dpn VivoCity. Menyampah sbb no prayer rooms at those places kan. N abt USS, jealous tgk, nnt nak pegi jugaklah.
Mar, i love it! (the photo quality I mean) What kind of DSLR + lense are you using eh?
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