“Women hold up half the sky”

I’m not gonna write a book review as I’m not gonna butcher a book this good by giving it an unworthy review. But I just have to say that I did sujud syukur after reading a few chapters of this book, thanking Allah for the life He bestowed upon me. Because I live in this tiny world of mine, with great family and good life, I tend to forget that there is a bigger world out there.
Where people face poverty everyday, not able to provide for, or even feed their children. Where poverty leads women to take the extreme measure; selling sex for money, which later caused most of them being ousted by the society, got addicted to drugs and worst, affected by AIDS.
The bigger world where women are discriminated upon – baby girls murdered and young girls left unfed while the boys are all well nourished. And have you heard about Gendercide? It’s a term for the daily slaughter of girls in the developing world. And just so you know, it has taken more lives in any given decade than all the genocides of the 20th century. And here I thought these things only happened back in jahilliyah days.
The world where women are worth not more than mere sex objects and slaves. The world where girls are not allowed to get education and seek good jobs. Well, basically, the bigger world where women are treated as worthless, second-class human being. Nauzubillah.
It is worth mentioning that the first chapter begins with a story of a Cambodian woman who went to Thailand to seek for better life but was sold to a brothel in Malaysia (we’re famous!) where she was drugged, locked up and forced into prostitution. Oh the story gets better. The woman and some of her friends managed escape but were later imprisoned under our Malaysian Anti-Immigrant law for about a year when she was released but only to be sold by the police to another brothel in Thailand. To that I say, Malaysia Boleh!!! Not!
I have yet to finish even half of the book (blame my limited me-time!) but I must say that with every chapter that I have managed to read, I was incredibly enlightened and moved. I sympathize with the hardship of the women I read and at the same time I am enormously thankful to Allah for this simple, pleasant life I lead. Go grab a copy of the book and I challenge you not to be moved and inspired by it, because I sure was. Shukran Ya Allah :')
I always trust your review about books.
Kalau asyik dok baca buku chic lit bongok je, otak pun tak berkembang. Huhu.
kagum. (Tag Rotten tomatoes utk apa?)
Reena: Hehe chic lits perlu juga, untuk rilekskan minda :D
Ayin: Errr untuk reviews, as in macam www.rottentomatoes.com (which explains tag itu berjudul Rotten-Tomatoes Wannabe :P)
feeling more grateful for everything after reading a thousand splendid sun. i think it has the same effect like this book on me.
wow.. sangat menggoda buku itu. Kebetulan buku last month punya baru habis baca. Lately sangat suka baca buku tentang penderitaan and pengalaman hidup orang (e.g. a thousand splendid suns and a kite runner). Sedih tapi sangat2 menginsafkan.. Thanks a lot for the info.
Far: Betul! A Thousand Splendid Sun memang menginsafkan.
Kutak Jinggong: No problem :D
ok mesti cari di Amazon atau BookDepository. terima kasih!!
Sama-sama Cik Hana Kirana! :D
thank you sis for this post. that proverb also inspired john lennon to write his song for yoko 'Woman' (i remember coz at the start of the song he said 'to the other half of the sky' :D
kak dedicate that song to you!(hehe ala2 zaman kat stf)
harap dpt terserempak di celahan buku-buku di chowrasta kelak..
Kak Mun: Terima kasih, akan dicari lagu itu :D
Arin: Kalau terserempak, saya akan cemburu sebab buku baru & mahal. Haha.
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Thanks a lot!
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