“Stupid is as stupid does” - From the movie Forrest Gump
For the umpteenth time, people, it is NOT OKAY to smoke in the elevator! Tak faham betullah. Bukan hanya kerana saya mengandung (walaupun ini factor that you should take into account), tapi mostly kerana saya manusia dan saya ada hak terhadap udara bersih. You want to smoke your life away, fine! Jangan libatkan manusia lain! Is it so hard to padamkan rokok just before masuk lif yang ada manusia lain? Lif itu tertutup, faham? Saya tak ada udara lain untuk bernafas melainkan udara kotor kamu itu. Not only it is rude, it is stupid too. This is not the pregnancy hormone talking ya. I’m just someone with a little something called common-sense.

And for the record, it is also NOT OKAY: To jump queue without asking for permission. To not flush after your little visit to the toilet. To talk loudly in the cinema, tak kisahlah on the phone ke, to your friends ke. To interrupt someone when they’re talking. To bicker in the public. To let your kids run amok merayau-rayau kacau hidup other people. To not say thank you, or excuse me, or please. To not give up your seat to an elderly, a pregnant woman or to a handicapped person. To close a door on someone. Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Oh the list could go on forever!
Just remember people, it is not cool to be rude. So please, try to clean up your act. Thank you.
just yesterday afternoon i said this to 2 university students yg tengah bertinggung di tepi curb sambil menghembus asap durjana itu >> adik, minta maaf, tapi kat dalam universiti tak boleh hisap rokok. kesian kan, kat perempuan mengandung, kat orang lain yg tak hisap rokok. << entah kenapa la i used perempuan mengandung as the main point. perhaps because i think it is simply mean and tidak berperikemanusiaan bila asap tu indirectly kena kat insan yg blm lahir lagi. boleh?
yg point yg lain esp thank you tu dah tak larat nak bebel ok. susah sgt ke nak sebut dua perkataan tu?
as dilbert put it, ada 3 benda yg tak boleh diubah dalam diri manusia (except yg baca buku dia kahkah):
stupidity, selfishness, and horniness.
brilliant dilbert.
jemot: itulah! susah sangat.
ayin: haha Dilbert, Dilbert. boleh ubah sebenarnya. will power. contoh, selfish nak merokok juga dalam lif. cara ubah: suruh awek dia lepuk kepala dia.
passive smoker effect is worse than active smoker..meaning kite yg hidu asap dia lagi affected more..
teruk tul org mcm tu..
tade sivik la diorg nih. ish ish.
*geleng-geleng kepala*
cutiecaliph & wahida: itulah :(
nothing worse than having to breath in kepul2 asap rokok yg dihembus oleh budak2 ingusan directly to your face while you are heavily pregnant. terasa mcm nak ckp "alo dik, takde otak ye?".
ida: exactly! haish.
agree agree agree! jangan lupa parents yang dukung/suruh anak kencing di public(longkang depan kedai/tong sampah tepi lift..)
not cool at all..
sharel: bencinya parents macam tu! seriously, apakah value yang cuba diturunkan pada anak dia?! nauzubillah, janganlah kita jadi parents tak ada common sense macam itu.
parents yg suh anak kencing dalam swimming pool pun aku penah nampak. apatah lagi yg suh anak kencing depan parking lot supermarket. stupidity and selfishness.
Itu belum masuk lagi cerita bercium di khalayak ramai. Macam dah biasa pula di KLCC. Eh nampak macam halal!
ayin: eyew swimming pool?!
Anuar: somehow macam tak pernah nampak di JB. Lega!
marliza, how's life? tahniah2 sbyk2nya. Mesti nti baby petah bijak berppidato mcm ibunya:)of course msh ingt sgt bdk pntar ms sklh rndh dlu... btw, sy karamah (haha, br nk prkenalkn dr:) kwn sklh agam t.mlwr...n tau dr blog ila:)n nice n enjoy blog la. mmg x mbosankan:) nti sy try khatamkan k;p
I want not agree on it. I think polite post. Expressly the title attracted me to read the sound story.
kak yanti, i feel you..last time went to this restaurant yg clearly ada sign 'no smoking' and there this guy next table smoke secara sesuker hati..raser nk telungkupkan mee sup kat kepala dia
Nice dispatch and this enter helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.
kedua-dua anonymous: thank you :)
huda: hahaha telungkupkan saja!
karamah: sorry!!! Rasa macam dah balas sapaan :) welcome here ya! :D
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