“You’re just warm. You’re like your own sun.”
– Bella Swan to Jacob Black, New Moon.
– Bella Swan to Jacob Black, New Moon.
How was your weekend, dear friends? Mine was pleasurably great; it was undoubtedly a 4-days leave well spent. But of course, the only downside to a great weekend is when it ends. Haish. So anyways, I’m sleepy and have nothing noteworthy to pen down, so I decide to share my weekend here. It’s a hugely uninteresting entry so you may leave now. Ngeh.

I just had to share this picture of one of the three cows that were sacrificed because this particular cow was a rebel! Tidak redha at all untuk berkorban. Huhu. I shall now refrain myself from making any inappropriate jokes. Ngeh.
We were a bunch of pemalas so instead of mengikut jejak langkah my mom and dad who went to Balai after the korban to help out with melapah, memasak and what not, Hubby, Little Bro and myself went shopping instead. Ngeh! Oh please understand, we don’t have an OU (or its like) here in JB so excuse us for being selfish and jakun. Kah kah.

My parents menyusul kemudian di The Curve and Ibu headed straight to Habib Jewels. Hehe. Habib is on sale! If you’re looking for engagement/wedding jewelry or simply terasa like getting yourself a gift for being a good girl all year round, go get yourself a nice piece of jewelry while YES lasts, girls!

The next day, Hubby went home pagi-pagi by car but I stayed at my parents’ and took a later flight at night. Sedih betul ketika mahu pulang ke JB; the only thing that kept me going was the realization that my lovely Hubby was waiting for me to come home to him, and I guess that will always be enough.
This is starting to kelihatan seperti sebuah laporan Cuti Hujung Minggu Saya. What the heck. Leave now, if you must. Ngeh.
Upon arriving at the JB airport, we went straight to his cousin’s majlis aqiqah which lasted until wee hour in the morning. Letih yang teramat. We were so tired we fell asleep on the MIL’s couch there and then. Oh but I had the yummiest dinner at the kenduri; Sup Tulang with sambal belacan, timun and ikan kering. Such simple dish but simply delicious.

Oh and guess which team I am with? Edward versus Jacob. Friendship blossoming into love, loving the one you’re with, choosing the right guy who makes you happy – I’m all for that! So yeah, I’m definitely Team Jacob!
How this Cuti Hujung Minggu Saya report turned into a review on New Moon, sayapun tidak tahu. Have a good week, people!
Be warm and sunny like Jacob, will you?
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