You made me swear that our hearts will never die
Cause no one seems to believe that we can fly
Forget them, forget them
Oh, you told me we've got a long, long way to go
To get there, we'll get there
But if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old
Cause no one seems to believe that we can fly
Forget them, forget them
Oh, you told me we've got a long, long way to go
To get there, we'll get there
But if there's one thing that we know
It's that we will not grow old
At one point of time, I used to update on daily basis. I don’t seem to be able to do that nowadays. Perhaps you can blame Twitter for that. Post-Twitter, I found it easier to bebel and merepek there albeit the 2-lines restriction. Oh and if you think Twitter is dreary and boring, that’s just because you’re not ‘following’ the right people. (Kah kah this is so nget ngot; attempting to explain why I am fond of Twitter)
Fascinating bloggers, surprisingly-wise famous people, breaking news, interesting friends; they are all over the Twitter space, you just have to ‘follow’ the right ones to keep you entertained. Kah kah. I should get myself a new hobby or I will turn into a professional stalker soon.
If you’ve been following my updates for sometime now, you’d know that I used to have a major crush on Timothy Oliphant. Elephant who, you ask? He’s the guy who played the nerdy villain in the latest installment of Die Hard and the hot guy Jennifer Garner couldn’t resist in Catch & Release and yes, the mean-looking, professional hit man in Hit Man.
If you’re a stranger to the above, go watch A Perfect Getaway, currently showing on the cinema. The movie was okay, thanks to the A-list actors in the likes of Milla Jovovich, Steve Zahn and Mr. Oliphant himself but well, you can guess-lah what I liked the most about the movie. Ngeh! Hot factor aside, I agree with what Nigel Floyd of Time Out had to say about the movie, that this “taut, palm-sweating thriller has two things going for it: it keeps you guessing and it doesn’t insult your intelligence,” which is good enough for my Saturday night entertainment. Hehehe.
I am so pening with our new place sebab tak siap-siap lagi kemas. Decorating lagilah belum, oh my, bilalah nak start. People have been asking to come for makan-makan raya but until the house is presentable, I don’t have the heart to do it. Most of the time, I’m too tired or too malas to do anything but lay down and makan buah and sleep. I don’t even spend that much time on TV nowadays like I used to, which is good-lah kan?
But no, I’ve got to paksa my lazy self to mengemas and make the house presentable soon or I’ll be sakit jiwa. Oh yeah, if you’ve been wondering kenapa kami pindah dari rumah yang telah sedia presentable itu, ia kerana we had to, bukan kami gatal-gatal suka menyusahkan diri. Sekian. Heh. And oh, while we’re at it, do you know any happy little elves yang boleh datang membantu saya mencantikkan rumah? If they happen to be as good as Eric Leong, well, that would be better. Thanks ya, darlings. Ngeee.
Do you remember how it was like to be 17? For the most part, I don’t. I remember being chubby and selekeh. I remember feeling not too bijak di kalangan terlalu ramai orang bijak. After all, they don’t call STFians ‘crème de la crème’ for nothing. Other STFians that is. Me excluded. I remember tak sabar-sabar to finish school to finally be able to do something I like (and/or might be good at). Yes I was forced to take up Pure Science but I guess I never regretted my decision to stay in STF despite my poor grades. Oh I remember tak sabar-sabar to finish school and prove to some teachers that, well, I might not aced Add Maths and Chem but I pun boleh jadi somebody-lah. But all in all, I remember the good times yang dialami bersama my friends and I wouldn’t change anything about that even if I could.
Point saya di sini sebenarnya ialah: STF 959-ers, come celebrate our 10th years post-STF this 7th November 2009! Go RSVP your attendance HERE and lets meet up and have some good fun, okay!
Facebook photo entitled Back to the Time When All of Us Were Still Single courtesy of Ayunique. Tak perlulah attempt to guess which of the innocent-looking high schoolers ialah yours truly. Kah kah.
I guess it would be better if Pak Yem could be there, then I can give him my nice-looking business card with my name proudly embossed on shiny paper and what not, dan dengan berlagak berkata, “Well Pak Yem, mungkin saya bodoh Matematik Tambahan tapi saya sekarang pandai undang-undang. If you ever find yourself in a legal mess, just give me a call.” Ngeh! Peace!
Fascinating bloggers, surprisingly-wise famous people, breaking news, interesting friends; they are all over the Twitter space, you just have to ‘follow’ the right ones to keep you entertained. Kah kah. I should get myself a new hobby or I will turn into a professional stalker soon.
If you’ve been following my updates for sometime now, you’d know that I used to have a major crush on Timothy Oliphant. Elephant who, you ask? He’s the guy who played the nerdy villain in the latest installment of Die Hard and the hot guy Jennifer Garner couldn’t resist in Catch & Release and yes, the mean-looking, professional hit man in Hit Man.
If you’re a stranger to the above, go watch A Perfect Getaway, currently showing on the cinema. The movie was okay, thanks to the A-list actors in the likes of Milla Jovovich, Steve Zahn and Mr. Oliphant himself but well, you can guess-lah what I liked the most about the movie. Ngeh! Hot factor aside, I agree with what Nigel Floyd of Time Out had to say about the movie, that this “taut, palm-sweating thriller has two things going for it: it keeps you guessing and it doesn’t insult your intelligence,” which is good enough for my Saturday night entertainment. Hehehe.
I am so pening with our new place sebab tak siap-siap lagi kemas. Decorating lagilah belum, oh my, bilalah nak start. People have been asking to come for makan-makan raya but until the house is presentable, I don’t have the heart to do it. Most of the time, I’m too tired or too malas to do anything but lay down and makan buah and sleep. I don’t even spend that much time on TV nowadays like I used to, which is good-lah kan?
But no, I’ve got to paksa my lazy self to mengemas and make the house presentable soon or I’ll be sakit jiwa. Oh yeah, if you’ve been wondering kenapa kami pindah dari rumah yang telah sedia presentable itu, ia kerana we had to, bukan kami gatal-gatal suka menyusahkan diri. Sekian. Heh. And oh, while we’re at it, do you know any happy little elves yang boleh datang membantu saya mencantikkan rumah? If they happen to be as good as Eric Leong, well, that would be better. Thanks ya, darlings. Ngeee.
Do you remember how it was like to be 17? For the most part, I don’t. I remember being chubby and selekeh. I remember feeling not too bijak di kalangan terlalu ramai orang bijak. After all, they don’t call STFians ‘crème de la crème’ for nothing. Other STFians that is. Me excluded. I remember tak sabar-sabar to finish school to finally be able to do something I like (and/or might be good at). Yes I was forced to take up Pure Science but I guess I never regretted my decision to stay in STF despite my poor grades. Oh I remember tak sabar-sabar to finish school and prove to some teachers that, well, I might not aced Add Maths and Chem but I pun boleh jadi somebody-lah. But all in all, I remember the good times yang dialami bersama my friends and I wouldn’t change anything about that even if I could.
Point saya di sini sebenarnya ialah: STF 959-ers, come celebrate our 10th years post-STF this 7th November 2009! Go RSVP your attendance HERE and lets meet up and have some good fun, okay!

I guess it would be better if Pak Yem could be there, then I can give him my nice-looking business card with my name proudly embossed on shiny paper and what not, dan dengan berlagak berkata, “Well Pak Yem, mungkin saya bodoh Matematik Tambahan tapi saya sekarang pandai undang-undang. If you ever find yourself in a legal mess, just give me a call.” Ngeh! Peace!
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