Friday, February 09, 2007

He who has a Why to live can bear almost any How

On my mood, congak-tambah-tolak-wise:

(1) A low-cholesterol egg advertisement on a lorry, with catchy tagline: “Telur Yang Lebih Prihatin” Hahaha [+5]

(2) Arrived home before 7 (semalam), when the gorgeous mentari was still shining proudly *smile* [+15]

(3) Arrived home to a rather sad view of 5 ekor ikan emas milik Bapak terapung-apung di dalam kolam akibat kerosakan motor (my Bapak has contradicting hobbies; membela ikan dan menyiang ikan). Yang pelik, ada 8 ekor ikan lain masih hidup kerana mereka cuba bernafas dengan cara lain. Survival of the fittest, this life is. Atau, simply ajal [-5]

(4) Having to clean up the kolam dan membuang the dead fishes [-5]

(5) Tidak dapat contact Mr. Sweetheart dari petang semalam due to kebuduhan telefon (baru) beliau [-10]

(6) Telah dapat contact Mr. Sweetheart ini pagi [+20]

(7) Gagal menempah tiket Air Asia semalam selepas 6x trials (apparently my Bapak has not registered his new credit card for online services) [-20]

(8) Berjaya menempah tiket Air Asia ini pagi hasil bantuan Mr. Sweetheart (you’re the best!) [+30]

(9) Berjaya siapkan 6/9 perkara in my To Do List (work wise) [+20]

(10) Belum menerima our engagement pix from Abg Haa (the photographer) hence tidak dapat upload di sini [-10]

(11) Practising Certificate application not yet settled [-30]

(12) Some people in this ofiice thought I earn hundreds more than I actually do. I wish!!! [+10 for kelawakan, -10 for ketakbenaran = Neutral]

(13) A friend yang seems to tak faham bahasa. Penatlah gua nak explain. Suka hati lu lah *sigh* [-5]

(14) Anticipation of (a) KakYong’s wedding in 2 weeks; (b) my birthday in March; and (c) going to Kuching in April (bersama keluarga seterusnya dapat bertemu si dia di sana) *all smile* [+50]

What’s life without its ups and downs, eh?

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